I've hardly been on my own poor PC since Christmas. Poor dear sits idle all the time. I bought a Macbook for the girl as a Christmas present in a fit of exuberant generousity. My bonus was bigger than I'd been expecting - I mean, I sould have know what it was going to be but I just kinda forgot and so got a nice surprise. Anyhow, it was money well spent. She loves her "precious" as she calls it and she's particularly been going mad drawing on her, mine and everybody's Bebo white board. Anyhow, I'm desperately touched and delighted by one she did. You can find it here (please take a look). It shows how she feels when she's in town surrounded by crows and hassle and I phone her. I am touched beyond words. She rocks.
On an aside, I see Daisy's posted loads of photos of herself as a child. They're great and I them strangely familiar in ways; the clothes, the colours, that graininess and saturation. It's almost like we could all take our childhood photos, spread them all out and we'd find they would all ultimately fit together in a kind of jigsaw. Or am I being daft?
On an aside, I see Daisy's posted loads of photos of herself as a child. They're great and I them strangely familiar in ways; the clothes, the colours, that graininess and saturation. It's almost like we could all take our childhood photos, spread them all out and we'd find they would all ultimately fit together in a kind of jigsaw. Or am I being daft?

And of course I've seen Napoleon Dynamite!
Also, Glasgow is horrible. I was unbiased too, that was my first mistake. It's just like Henry Street over and over again. I said that to my boyfriend and he said "Henry Street is nicer, it's more like Talbot Street over and over again". Enough said.