Just a little something to keep ya'll occupied for a bit but lets see not much new to update really havent done much lately. this weekend kinda has turned into a drag went out as the designated driver friday nite and got dragged into the questioning on why im still single and dont have a girlfriend. being asked that it makes me wonder the same thing all the time why all of the relationships i've been in have last so short i dont think that i did anything wrong in any of the relationships im a genuinely nice guy and honest and never think about cheating. I don't know its just so aggravating but at the same time im being desperate i just miss that feeling of having someone there for me and caring for me as much i do/did for them. and its not even that im looking for the physical part of a relationship only.... i dont know really how to explain what it is exactly i suppose just the ability to have someone there to lay with me and say just watch a movie together or whatever with no pressure of having sex. anyways im just starting to rant and wallow in my own self pity its seeming so im gonna stop while im ahead but if anyone has anything to add to advice to give im all ears

a salute to one of the most beautiful members of the page 
