ok so time for another update i suppose while i sit here and cool off from sweating and cleaning the bathroom... so things have been going good lately i guess i have shift change this week which is gonna sorta suck in its own way but hey what can i say about that. as of the late i've been pretty stress free and relaxing rather well just chilling talking with some of my friends and things of that sort and not to mention as of the late i have been having some good convos with my ex that i want to try to get back with but at the same time i am not making mention of how i want to get back with her again cause i dont want to push her away and ruin any chance if you catch my drift? I still have no word on new orders yet so i am still here in japan until further notice and no sign of when i might get orders or anything. On the good note i also got to finally see the remake of Clash of the titans and i rather enjoyed it and not to mention i've been wanting to see suicide girls must die and happened to find it at the store here on base today so i got to watch that as well which i also enjoyed to the fullest! besides that i really dont have anything else to say so i guess this is me signing off for now and until next time....

Glad your doing great and got to see two great films. I wish you the best of luck with your ex and good decision not pushing things. For now tis is all, have a great one bro