Ahhh so its definately been a minute since i last posted and it seems as if not a whole lot has happened since last time... but for the update im currently still wait on whether im getting new orders to a new duty station or if im getting medically seperated out of the navy...truthfully i am hoping for the first option but if the do decide to let me go im still fine with that too as they will have to pay me to get out and i will have medical benefits the rest of my life so i benefit one way or another! Lately i have been dealing with a whole lot of stress and had a nervous breakdown the other day in which i had to go home from work early and take a extra day off to calm down and relax so that i wa 100% again. As of now im handling the stress but the way im handling it doesnt seem right as it involves heavy smoking and quite a bit of drinking but hey what can i say everyone has their own methods to how they handle their stress and i suppose that is my way i mean its not like im drinking myself into a complete stupor where i do something i regret or cause harm to myself i just go out and have a good time having a few drinks and sing some karaoke. Looking at how i do things i can only imagine what others do or what they even think of me as i am always talking about drinking or going out to the bars but you know what i can honestly care less its how i live my life they have no say in how i live it. Slowly i have been managing to elimiinate the stressors in my life but some of them seem stubborn and just wont go away but what am i to say no one can have a perfect life with absolutely no stress in their life whatsoever. Anyways i suppose thats a good enough update for now and more will be soon to come and hopefully i can bring these updates a little sooner than what i have been doing but for the most part i seem to never get around to it...
More Blogs
Wednesday Feb 23, 2011
Ok so i'm approaching the end on my time on leave back home and talk … -
Saturday Jan 22, 2011
hey everyone! sorry no video blog this time but possibly one in the m… -
Tuesday Jan 04, 2011
ok so yesterday while having some vodka i got onto this rant and it h… -
Sunday Jan 02, 2011
ok so im gonna start doing video blogs but i will still make to menti… -
Tuesday Nov 09, 2010
Read More -
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
ok so new update still no word on orders and that leaves me here in j… -
Friday Sep 10, 2010
Ok time for another update! Not much has really happened in the time … -
Monday Aug 30, 2010
Ok so its been a minute since i last posted a new update or anything … -
Sunday Aug 01, 2010
ok so time for another update i suppose while i sit here and cool off… -
Monday Jul 26, 2010
ok so today is gonna be a short one a im just about to head to bed as…
Like you say we all handle them differently, as long you don't always use those methods each time goes wrong. If you get what I mean?
ps: If its any consolation I think your great