Holy shit where to begin!? I don't even know at this point anymore....I suppose I can start with the stuff that started last week that was posted in my previous blog since thats what got me started. So we begin with my orders being canceled and me not getting to go to Greece for my next duty station which also in turn has put my chace to finally go home and see all of my family and friends that I have not seen in two years. I mean comon are your fuckin serious right now?! this shit is absolutely unsat in my own eyes so I suppose I will just have to deal with it... Now on to the next thing that has just appauled the hell outta me that happened last nite and to be honest the person that did it is lucky that I didn't beat the hell out of him. So what happened goes a little something like this I was standing my watch and decided to go check on one of the watchstanders that was in my zone as he has a bad habit of falling asleep while on post right? So to see if that was what was the case I took a different route so that he would not see me coming up to the post....well lets just say he wasn't asleep but in turn what did he do as he didn't know that I was coming up on the post he decides that it is ok to draw his weapon and literally aim it directly at my chest while it is loaded with a round in the chamber! Along with that I could not tell if he had the safety still on nor could I tell if that his finger was on the trigger or not! I mean he is lucky that my partner that was with me didn't actually shoot him like he almost did or the fact that I was so fucking piss I literally was about to smash him into the ground
! So of course I notified my watch commander of the situation as I was not going to let this fly and keep it a secret and now the little punk thinks that i'm a snitch or something to that effect.... the funny thing behind it is that he thinks he will be armed back up in a day which I do not forsee happening for awhile I mean he drew his weapon on me in complete disregard of all the training that we all go through and fail to give any sort of verbal commands to have us identify ourselves so that he know it was us and not someone else.... So at that I conclude this rant for now as its getting late in the afternoon and I need to get some sleep before I go to work for the nite and have to see this complete idiot again peace out all and hopefully this week becomes better in some way or another please......

Thanks for asking.
How are you? Things any better?