Ok this one has a potential to be a long one...
What has been up with me recently you ask? (as if you actually were)
Well I'm jobless for the first time in like 8 years! My fuckin prick of a mangaer didn't "like my tone" and canned me for it. Which is a pretty rediculous reason but caan't really do much cuz of California's fantastic Termination at will law.
Yah so neway I'm in the market for a new job. Preferably bartending so if nebody knkows of an opening...
Furthermore...Look out San Jose! I'm coming back despite the fact I really wanted to move north to the city but rent's kinda killer and I go to SJSU so it wouldnt reallllly be practical.
On that note there WILL BE a moving in party, further details on that at the end of the month.
Been doing wut a single man should and that's hittin a lottta bars but in the absense of my partner in crime sleazy D, it's just not the same.
I cut off all my hair to be more "presentable" for finding a job,i hate it but, kinda hard to get a job in the hospitality buiz with tattoos and a mohawk wah-wah
I am stoked about Clive Barker's Midnight meat train but it isn't playing yet anywhere within 75 miles of me i have no fucking clue why???
I tried to get a trip to Cabo together at a place that has it's own pool on the patio and jaccuzi indoors for less than 800 a piece but no one wanted to go...WTF?
That's about it, i just got this new phone and its pretty rad like good camera and all but i haven't quite figured it out yet but wen i do ill put sum pics
O yah It was Kirby's bday yesterday so if u didn't already, go say happy birfday, she's kinda cool...for a girl
I'm off to be unemployed and try to figure out this GD phone
What has been up with me recently you ask? (as if you actually were)
Well I'm jobless for the first time in like 8 years! My fuckin prick of a mangaer didn't "like my tone" and canned me for it. Which is a pretty rediculous reason but caan't really do much cuz of California's fantastic Termination at will law.
Yah so neway I'm in the market for a new job. Preferably bartending so if nebody knkows of an opening...

Furthermore...Look out San Jose! I'm coming back despite the fact I really wanted to move north to the city but rent's kinda killer and I go to SJSU so it wouldnt reallllly be practical.
On that note there WILL BE a moving in party, further details on that at the end of the month.
Been doing wut a single man should and that's hittin a lottta bars but in the absense of my partner in crime sleazy D, it's just not the same.
I cut off all my hair to be more "presentable" for finding a job,i hate it but, kinda hard to get a job in the hospitality buiz with tattoos and a mohawk wah-wah

I am stoked about Clive Barker's Midnight meat train but it isn't playing yet anywhere within 75 miles of me i have no fucking clue why???
I tried to get a trip to Cabo together at a place that has it's own pool on the patio and jaccuzi indoors for less than 800 a piece but no one wanted to go...WTF?
That's about it, i just got this new phone and its pretty rad like good camera and all but i haven't quite figured it out yet but wen i do ill put sum pics
O yah It was Kirby's bday yesterday so if u didn't already, go say happy birfday, she's kinda cool...for a girl

I'm off to be unemployed and try to figure out this GD phone

Good luck to you too!