Monday Apr 21, 2008 Apr 20, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email it's like past 4 n i have to wake up soon...why am i still awake!?!?! VIEW 14 of 14 COMMENTS kirby: haha yeah, go for it! i got something in the mail and just opened it, i just turned around and there is chewed up, shreded packing peanuts EVERYWHERE....thats YO boy why cant he just lay in them nice like auto?! Apr 29, 2008 user081222227: you're just a fixer of many problems aren't you.. Apr 30, 2008
i got something in the mail and just opened it, i just turned around and there is chewed up, shreded packing peanuts EVERYWHERE....thats YO boy
why cant he just lay in them nice like auto?!