Loooong weekend. I cooked dinner for Grant Thursday night. Homemade chicken pot pie. Delicious. We layed around watching tv with my roommate and then went to bed early watching some Eddie Izzard. Friday morning we got up and grabbed some lunch and then went to the museum. It was fun, there were a lot more people than I'm used to being there. I guess because it's summer. I went home and he went to go take a nap. Then he called me and told me some friends of his that I hadn't met before had invited us out to dinner. I was a little intimidated so I spent quite a while getting ready. I wanted to look extra special. It wasn't so bad. I had a lot of fun actually. They thought I was funny so it was ok. We went to a bar in Alabama after that. It was... loud. Grants roommate is in a band and they were playing. Neither one of us wanted to stay out too late so when we left we made a quick stop by my bar to see a friend that was in town from the virgin islands. When we got home we watched Old School and Grant cleaned his room a little. I think we slept until like 5 on Saturday. Then we hung out with the friends from Friday night again. I guess they like me. We all went back to Grants place and watched his roommates wedding video. They all left shortly after that and we watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno. Which Grant had never seen before. Afterwards he continued to clean his room while I alternated between feeling in the way and completely useless. I know he likes me but sometimes I feel like when I try to help I annoy him. I don't automatically know where things go in his life yet and I can't learn when he is impatient telling me. I understand he was tired at the time but it just doesn't feel good to feel like you're in the way.
But when we finally got into bed we had fun he tickled me and I almost peed the bed. I'm a winner. We got up early to go out to the country to go shooting. So. A fun weekend. Now 3 more days of work before I can do it all over again. I've also decided I'm going to only cook at home this week. Eating out is too expensive.


I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan. I think he's just so easy to relate to.

not to keep bragging but ive been to the real quick stop store used in his movies, and a whole bunch of other random locations he shot various scenes in. its neat to see all these places