So a flash of lightning wakes me out of a deep dead sleep and a very strange dream.

Then the incredibly loud boom crushes my limited consciousness.

Needless to say (and yet I am, huh), I was very confused.
yea the program i used is a beech. i need to hire a site designer. know any?
What a funny little switch with not so much as a click.

In less than a week and with no real thought my desire to run and flee not only the city or state, but even the country for destinations unknown fades away. It's not, of course, that I no longer have the desire to travel and live in other locales, but merely a shift...
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We're having a holiday party. Will you be attending?
Those quiet moments can kill you. The little silent times when you're left with nothing but your thoughts and the sweat on your brow. Those little windows let doubt and dismay creep in.

Taking stock of your life can be a dangerous thing if not handled carefully. Objective assessment and constructive criticism aren't to be ignored, but if you allow those deeper insecurities to creep...
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Tired of sitting home on a Tuesday night?
Like to bowl, drink, or both?
Want to meet some fellow SG members?

Than, I've got something for you!

Come bowl in Grand Rapids!

If you are not in the SGKalamazoo group, feel free to join.
Too lazy / shy to do that or still waiting on approval? We will be at AMF Comet Lanes on 141 28th St in Grand Rapids, Tuesday June 26th at 8pm. It's conveniently located a few blocks east of 131!

Got question? Post them in the thread in the group or ask me!

Hope to see you there!!!
Hooray for the big deuce deuce, though I'm more pumped about starting bartending friday.

Laziness in journal entries, I tend to have them only on my LiveJournal 'cause I'm lazy and I don't have that many different things to say.
Interesting day, I sucked at closing by myself tonight.

At least I got a new fun work habit, sucking the inside out of the cherry tomato halves is far more interesting than it should be...
At least you don't fall for women like Nately......
Tired lately. Tired all day, tired of this town, tired of the drudge of work. I'm letting it get to me a bit too much, I need a real vacation, to unplug and run away, to find a place out on Superior to lie on the beach and listen to the waves.