So I've been working on this whole, I am moving thing, and actually moving forward with life like I were a normal individual. I'm not so unusual that I am unique by any stretch, but society at large and I don't really mesh, I don't understand why people do and say the things they do very often. They seem so... lifeless.
I want to move on to a have a more normal life, the life I want to have, rather then being a slave to my fear of the world. Unfortunately that means I have certain materialistic needs that I need to fulfill.
Thus I need to fix my current Finances that I have let go to shite since I had my troubles and get out have fun, and maybe even look for a girl, one that isn't into girls more then boys, and one that requires me to be a boy. I spent so long afraid of my own gender and hating that I was born a male that likes girls. Maybe I'll actually have a intimate relationship with a women and treat it like a straight relationship.
So in doing this.. and back on topic lol.. I think I'm going to look for a cheap rather then awesome place.. That means basement apartment is some house someplace in Brampton. Lets me keep the rent down lots, and should let me have nearly 1000 to play with a month.. 400-500 to debt payment, 250 in the bank and 150 to play with
Sadly no cable (oddly enough that is the only expense I have to give up lol)
Should mean in a year maybe two I'll be debt free, with a decent job and with any luck I can then move into a new apartment with some contemporary style and maybe even consider getting a
I want to move on to a have a more normal life, the life I want to have, rather then being a slave to my fear of the world. Unfortunately that means I have certain materialistic needs that I need to fulfill.
Thus I need to fix my current Finances that I have let go to shite since I had my troubles and get out have fun, and maybe even look for a girl, one that isn't into girls more then boys, and one that requires me to be a boy. I spent so long afraid of my own gender and hating that I was born a male that likes girls. Maybe I'll actually have a intimate relationship with a women and treat it like a straight relationship.
So in doing this.. and back on topic lol.. I think I'm going to look for a cheap rather then awesome place.. That means basement apartment is some house someplace in Brampton. Lets me keep the rent down lots, and should let me have nearly 1000 to play with a month.. 400-500 to debt payment, 250 in the bank and 150 to play with

Should mean in a year maybe two I'll be debt free, with a decent job and with any luck I can then move into a new apartment with some contemporary style and maybe even consider getting a
Money is the most elusive thing I've come in contact with, More so I feel like a bum when my financial advisor says I should have 700 bucks left over from each of my checks which would leave me with at least a grand to save a month but it always seems to get away unseen. I commend you on stepping out into the unknown Kaz good luck 

I have the basic 3G. and I'm getting a new one tomorrow. and I WILL get the 3GS. fuckers.