Thin walls suck. Particularly when you neighbour is a screamer and you haven't been laid in a very very long time
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Wednesday May 05, 2010
woot post crazy.... Getting some new Ink done soon... want it done … -
Friday Apr 30, 2010
Upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS today. This is the second Long Term S… -
Friday Apr 23, 2010
This still always cheers me up -
Friday Apr 09, 2010
So the iPad, like it or hate it, it's out there. What I don't und… -
Wednesday Apr 07, 2010
so random bit of info that most won't care about. not that anyone rea… -
Sunday Apr 04, 2010
I feel bad... I don't recommend reading the following if you eat Chee… -
Saturday Mar 27, 2010
I've got a case of the mean Reds. There are two way to handle thi… -
Friday Mar 12, 2010
Saw Casablanca for the first time yesterday. The more I think abo… -
Thursday Mar 11, 2010
Heading out to see a friend on Sunday, haven't been out in a while, a… -
Sunday Feb 28, 2010
GOLD....... Gold Canada Gold.... 14 Golds in a single game a Wint…