so i've been thinking. so many of my friends are rotting in jail right now. its quite amazing that i've never been arrested. I'm either That Good, or That Lucky..
Meet Scratch.
The more clever amongst you will recognize him from several of the pictures in my "street" folder.. He's one of my best friends in the world, and one of very few people I consider family. This is his third felony in a 3-strike state, so they're offering him 25 years. Meanwhile, he's got final-stage stomach cancer, and was given a tentative 6 months to live. Granted, being a junkie is stupid, but if I had 6 months to live, I might get strung out on something or other myself. And killing yourself with drugs doesn't hurt anyone else but yourself.
1. Its the American Way (you're standing on stolen land)
2. Chain stores ruin small businesses. Big chains put more power in fewer people's hands. Theft makes these businesses less profitable and gives small businesses a chance.
3. Taking things without paying doesn't drive the cost up. Store owners already charge as much as the market will bear. That's how capitalism works.
4. Its like boycotting, except you don't have to do without.
5. Why should you do without just because you were born without?
6. If you don't pay, you won't need to work at jobs that suck, and you can do something meaningful with your time.
7. You could put that stuff to use. (Instead of letting it rot on the shelf.)
8. They charge too much.
9. Making capitalist ventures less profitable encourages people to do things more meaningful than selling junk to people who don't need it.
10. Sharing is good. Teach capitalists the value of sharing.
all those found in violation will be ticketed
Meet Scratch's wife.
Guess she really couldn't make it on her own. We were letting her stay with us after Scratch got arrested, but couldn't take her locking herself outside in her underwear smoking crack at 4am every single morning. Looks like she made it almost a full day before getting popped herself. Trivia of the day: usually when there's no picture of an inmate on this site, its because they've been too badly beaten by the cops.
goddamn. they keep deleting the links on me. well, if anyone actually cares, go here and type "Jason Beam"
Meet Scratch.
The more clever amongst you will recognize him from several of the pictures in my "street" folder.. He's one of my best friends in the world, and one of very few people I consider family. This is his third felony in a 3-strike state, so they're offering him 25 years. Meanwhile, he's got final-stage stomach cancer, and was given a tentative 6 months to live. Granted, being a junkie is stupid, but if I had 6 months to live, I might get strung out on something or other myself. And killing yourself with drugs doesn't hurt anyone else but yourself.
1. Its the American Way (you're standing on stolen land)
2. Chain stores ruin small businesses. Big chains put more power in fewer people's hands. Theft makes these businesses less profitable and gives small businesses a chance.
3. Taking things without paying doesn't drive the cost up. Store owners already charge as much as the market will bear. That's how capitalism works.
4. Its like boycotting, except you don't have to do without.
5. Why should you do without just because you were born without?
6. If you don't pay, you won't need to work at jobs that suck, and you can do something meaningful with your time.
7. You could put that stuff to use. (Instead of letting it rot on the shelf.)
8. They charge too much.
9. Making capitalist ventures less profitable encourages people to do things more meaningful than selling junk to people who don't need it.
10. Sharing is good. Teach capitalists the value of sharing.
all those found in violation will be ticketed
Meet Scratch's wife.
Guess she really couldn't make it on her own. We were letting her stay with us after Scratch got arrested, but couldn't take her locking herself outside in her underwear smoking crack at 4am every single morning. Looks like she made it almost a full day before getting popped herself. Trivia of the day: usually when there's no picture of an inmate on this site, its because they've been too badly beaten by the cops.
goddamn. they keep deleting the links on me. well, if anyone actually cares, go here and type "Jason Beam"
If I can't have a real Michalopoulos painting, I'm willing to settle