ok, it's too far past bedtime for a proper entry (waited and waited and my electricity finally came back on... 1:40am)
so I think I'll just copy and paste my SGnola post...
i had an awesome time last night.
JasonDemon, Boatman, junkllama, Providencia, burstandbloom are all definately way too fucking cool for mere words. HyenaHell's too sexy. and didn't i find myself naked at several points of the evening? that's right all you fuckers that lamed out, you missed it
mad at Sin though, like everyone else
burstandbloom and HyenaHell kidnapped my friend Chris untill 8 this morning. woke up for work and he wasn't here. nor my bike. I was worried.
I guess we can laugh about it now
so I think I'll just copy and paste my SGnola post...
i had an awesome time last night.
JasonDemon, Boatman, junkllama, Providencia, burstandbloom are all definately way too fucking cool for mere words. HyenaHell's too sexy. and didn't i find myself naked at several points of the evening? that's right all you fuckers that lamed out, you missed it

mad at Sin though, like everyone else

burstandbloom and HyenaHell kidnapped my friend Chris untill 8 this morning. woke up for work and he wasn't here. nor my bike. I was worried.
I guess we can laugh about it now

and the second meetup was cool
not quite as much fun
and it turned into babysitting for me
at the end
i had a good time
and several naughty things were done
and friends were made
it was an agreeable night