well, i got an email today from Missy saying they were finishing up my photoset, and would let me know for sure by the end of the week whether to use it... in the meantime, continually ganking Ian's account during this prolonged waiting period has worn on my patience, so I've bit the cheese and created my account anyway... so here I am!
What blows my mind is that, on the (premature?) assumption that I'm in, I'll be only the *2nd* New Orleans SuicideGirl?? I mean, i don't know if there're any LimboChickies hangin' out, but, c'mon, WTF?? New Orleans has always occurred to me as a pretty likely ground-zero for any potential punkrock-sexuality-explosion phenomena... i certainly see more than my fair share of pierced cunt during pretty much any and every of the spontaneous Circus paroxysms at the Hi-Ho Lounge...
i don't know what I actually just said, but i'm sure it sounds smart!
What blows my mind is that, on the (premature?) assumption that I'm in, I'll be only the *2nd* New Orleans SuicideGirl?? I mean, i don't know if there're any LimboChickies hangin' out, but, c'mon, WTF?? New Orleans has always occurred to me as a pretty likely ground-zero for any potential punkrock-sexuality-explosion phenomena... i certainly see more than my fair share of pierced cunt during pretty much any and every of the spontaneous Circus paroxysms at the Hi-Ho Lounge...
i don't know what I actually just said, but i'm sure it sounds smart!

You'll make it. And you sound VERY smart.......
