happy wednesday everybody. it's kinda gloomy here, i've just been indoors all day. i learned how to play a couple blues songs on guitar, and i practiced some scales but i have such small hands! it hurts ;-( that just means i have to practice more right? i just got a baby taylor acoustic, and its perfect size for me, but of course the strings...
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Do you have the time for a second job? Being a girl is a full-time occupation already.

Yes, job-hunting is a dreadful experience. No matter how well qualified you are or how experienced or how well you interview there is always a catch - someone better, nepotism, someone asks for less money etc.

Best of luck. If I could give you some advice I would but I spent 6 months trying to change jobs and it was week after week of getting turned down or turning down what was offered and then within a few weeks of giving up even trying, I got offered something new and started 2 days later. Unfortunately that makes it look as if the trick is not to even try, which I don't think is right.
i am baking oatmeal raisin cookies right now, mmm they smell so good! i wish they were *special* but theyre gonna be awesome. ok just wanted to make you jealous <3
so, i am officially off work. its 3:30 on a thursday afternoon. and i have the next 2 days off !! hell yes. i mean HELL.YES. i'm ready to get down. i'm high as a kite and happy as a freaken bird in the sky. if anybody tries to bring me down today theyre gonna fail miserably. its like a summer day in my little...
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so, first of all.. how are you? good? yeah? ok, well my day was just another day. worked for my dad this morning. i do his office work for a total of like 4 hours a month, yet those 4 hours are just so... gjkrW$^?%&y sometimes. so, i started drinking at noon, and then my very lovely and beautiful girlfriend came over and i went...
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mid day boozin?!?! now thats what i like to hear wink
i like to compliment my mid-day drinking by starting the day with the wake-and-bake. it sets the tone, you see, then further alcohol consumption is more fun.

later days and good times.
so it definitely rained all day, and i didnt move from my little apartment. it was glorious. i opened all the blinds so i could see all the storm clouds and rain (i have lots of big windows) it was really nice for a change, its only rained a couple times this winter. i love it the next day when everything is all green and...
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so tomorrow is gonna be a rainy day and i have it OFF work. how exciting is that. i fucken love rainy days especially when i have lots of weed. and i think i do. i'm learning how to play the blues on guitar. or trying for that matter lol. so, i'm missing a glove concert tomorrow nite with some friends because i cant afford...
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g. love. i realize it looks like 'glove' LOL. i am fucken retarded sometimes.. not that anyone even saw it ::sigh:: kiss
i love rainy days too.. but not for the same reason u do!lol thanks for the love on my blog! smile
so i just found out that i have sunday off ( i thought i had to work at 6:00 am ) so i think i might go snowboarding ; ) yay, for the first time since like, may. i'm excited, how awesome is that?! hell yes, today i had a really really good fish taco, and i'm about to have some pizza catch u later...
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happy new year everybody. i didnt make a resolution because i dont believe in them. i am always making modifications to my life throughout the year, and just because its jan 1st on my calendar, doesnt mean theres sumthin i wanna change about myself right now. tambien? uhm i gotta work today, feed all those hungover mouths lol. i wish i was one of em....
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