man I up date this thing waaaayyy to often. I should actually be trying to do something constructive like finish my frosty gorilla commission by the 15. i got 7 out of 10-15. as of now i fucking hate gorillas.
what was fun today:
shopping- go figure. i hate shopping unless I'm lugging Corry's ass around w/ me. its fun forcing him into the little girl stores where i can purchase things like rubber bracelets and jelly shoes. i practically creamed my pants when i was informed jellies were back on the market. they make my soul (sole?) happy.
what was not fun:
finding band tees for a band you like but was hopping the rest of the world would never find....god damn it lost another one. not that its a bad thing a band popular it just sucky that most people wont like something until hot topic says "no no its ok you can like them
" (insert vomit)
however i cant talk to much trash about hot topic since i got a kick ass Jesus bracelet there for a mere 2 bucks. i knew those suckers would never sell and that all i had to do was wait it out. low and behold on sale for 2 dalla. I also got a bag w/ the virgin marry on it for 6 dalla. its perfect because that sons-a-bitchen back is large enough to fit my sketch book so what more can a girl really ask for? the depressing thing is their kick ass Jesus (yes yes lost of Jesus and shizah but i am not a Jesus freak i just love religious art. the pendant I'm wearing has a pic of ganush-hindu so suck it.) plugs that have a flair on the back of them rendering it impossible to get the bastards into your ear. fuck. so hard to find good plugs now a days. that trend kind of came and went and all us with stretched ears are left ear-ring-less.
what was fun today:
shopping- go figure. i hate shopping unless I'm lugging Corry's ass around w/ me. its fun forcing him into the little girl stores where i can purchase things like rubber bracelets and jelly shoes. i practically creamed my pants when i was informed jellies were back on the market. they make my soul (sole?) happy.
what was not fun:
finding band tees for a band you like but was hopping the rest of the world would never find....god damn it lost another one. not that its a bad thing a band popular it just sucky that most people wont like something until hot topic says "no no its ok you can like them

however i cant talk to much trash about hot topic since i got a kick ass Jesus bracelet there for a mere 2 bucks. i knew those suckers would never sell and that all i had to do was wait it out. low and behold on sale for 2 dalla. I also got a bag w/ the virgin marry on it for 6 dalla. its perfect because that sons-a-bitchen back is large enough to fit my sketch book so what more can a girl really ask for? the depressing thing is their kick ass Jesus (yes yes lost of Jesus and shizah but i am not a Jesus freak i just love religious art. the pendant I'm wearing has a pic of ganush-hindu so suck it.) plugs that have a flair on the back of them rendering it impossible to get the bastards into your ear. fuck. so hard to find good plugs now a days. that trend kind of came and went and all us with stretched ears are left ear-ring-less.
omg its you! :p Hot topic is such a great store.