Stuff White People Like.

So getting it.
So getting it.

Lately the things I have been getting excited about are things I thought I thought I would never even care about. Being married has domesticated me a bit I'm going to admit. Who knew you could be so in love with a food processor?
What is your major?
I know its hard but try not to get discouraged. These things always work themselves out and maybe this semester off will help you in preparing for the rest of school or any choices being made on a different school.
I know it all sounds like some hokey new age bullshit ^_^
but I have to remind myself that sometimes. That life is a balance. In my culture we believe in that balance and the circular motion in which everything flows. There is always upsides to bad times and amazing memories and relationships formed in the heart of despair.
Just they are not always easy to recognize while in them.
I have a friend who got into his top choice college and is set to graduate next year. But because of his academic grades in two classes (sense he was a freshman ) he now has to leave. (they are super strict ) At first he was crushed and I still believe part of him is, but he understands that there is positive in whatever school he now choses.
I guess in my ramblings im just saying keep at it
I guess life is always like that, you want whatever you can't have.
I believe that we can have whatever we want. We just have to work for it.
So many people fall victim to community, bills, excuses, failed past plans that they feel they can not have what they want. In reality as the quote from Sun Tzu says in my blog
Can you imagine what I could(/would) do if I could do all I can?
so whats stopping you???