Made it into Portland yesterday afternoon. Entering the city was refreshing, walking into my apartment and lighting up a bowl of Portland's finest commodity was heaven. I can't believe this is still the place I live now, it's so different from the south but a really good sort of different. Now the fun part, trying to organize this apartment. Never a hard task with a few smoke breaks. If I didn't smoke I would never get anything done, I don't see how the sober homemaker does it.
The last stretch home was definitely the most exciting. Driving through the mountains of California/Oregon was absolutely crazy and exhilarating. Luke must have thought he was Ricky Bobby.
The last stretch home was definitely the most exciting. Driving through the mountains of California/Oregon was absolutely crazy and exhilarating. Luke must have thought he was Ricky Bobby.
If you're not first, you're last! Vettes and dark mountains roads = BADASS! I feel like listening to bitchin' camaro by the dead milkmen!