There are just some days when life gives you a swift kick in the fucking face with an indescribable amount of reality. I can already tell life will certainly be no fairy tale. The only way that could be possible was if you could turn back time and bottle every emotion, feeling, and attitude of the person you love; when they first fell in love with you. If that was possible and you could make them drink it every now and again life would be just grand. If I looked at this like anything else when something gets too difficult (I usually just go with the 'fuck it' philosophy) then I would be in a whole world of issues and problems. My heart is growing so heavy and I'm so tired of being the only one to go to bed upset at night. What can I say, I'm easily fooled I guess.
I'm ready to take a serious break from life in all directions and just truly get away.
People do that right?
I think a year ago I was happy.
I'm ready to take a serious break from life in all directions and just truly get away.
People do that right?
I think a year ago I was happy.