So I'm warming up to Portland and it's finally warming up to me, no literally it's actually 75 degrees today and I'm not freezing my natural black ass off for once!
I got a new bicycle, it's a vintage Schwinn. Ah finally dreams are coming true around here! It's a bad ass cycle, sucks I had to replace Bill (my old cycle) but this new one is what I need for the commute around here. I'll post photos later when I get to some wifi on the laptop. My husband tells me we will be parking the Jeep soon as we get a chance. So I better get used to not having the luxury of a car, even though I haven't had one in two years, I still got around in everyone else's just fine. BUT now it's time to put that chapter to bed and get used to pedaling...every where. But I can't say I'm not stoked about it, because I love a good ride. Still homeless and searching for apartments, we keep getting close but ahhh no cigar folks. I had to withdraw from the only class I was taking this summer because I bombed the mid-term. Looks like someone now has the summer off.
Like I wasn't already being non-productive.

I love you and miss you! I know it is up and down right now but it will even out eventually.
You are my heart!
What no oregon theater update? Tell us about chucks!!! lol
oh yea and that 3rd profile pic is ridiculous when have you seen a black ass eskimo baby?! haha i love you!