Great weekend! My four day weekends are always killer and seeing as how I can only remember two out of the four days I think I got a lot of stress out. It's OCTOBER! My favorite fucking month, I LIVE for this season! I shine my brightest and spend most of my days outdoors. For once Florida got with the program of the changing seasons and decided to play along. Last year at this time it was still about 90 degrees at night, now I'm actually catching myself getting cold when I step out for a cig. Hosting a dance party at my house tonight, I've downloaded so many new albums of nothing but electronic dance music. I have some new favorite bands, I'll list them all later, I've got to run to Lit.
But let me leave with you a photo of our new beauty!
But let me leave with you a photo of our new beauty!
You've done well with your dancey-stuff! --- I'm largely into the LCD/NYC-beat styles --- still trying to get my head around some of the UK nu-rave stuff (what a horrible term!) --- I've tried to get into the Klaxons - but I'm struggling!
anywheys.... here's few tips on things I'm digging heavily...
NZ Band signed to DFA (LCD's label) --- The Shocking Pinks --- they do that 'indie-electronica' thing --- not the happiest music in the world - but I think that's the charms.
Spektrum --- UK outfit dredging up the 80s ghost of Grace Jones and early E.S.G funk! --- big fan!
Jahcoohzi --- A brand new one to my collection - female fronted electro-funk meets a lil booty-styles!
Outhud --- NYC band -- a couple fo the guys from !!! with some other dancey-cats
Tiefschwarz --- German tech-funkers! --- fun stuff --- find their vocal tracks tho
Robyn - 'Konichiwa Bitches' ---pop-heavy slice of electro - so much fun!
Muscles --- new one to me too.... but really digging the electro-indie crossover of these guys!
And my never ending obsession with Diplo's mix-tapes --- track down "The Favela Strikes Back" --- the mix starts off with a cut-up loop of Johnny Marr's guitar from a Smiths track --- and it just gets better!
heh... there ya go! --- you asked!
(and i love to spout this kinda stuff!!!!)
Now, go download some and start dancing!
And great music. And drinks. And.........mescaline.