It's bullshit you know. You think people are your friends but instead they just fuck you over behind your back. I can't keep any privacy! And I'm not even usually one to want it, but the little bit I do want, GONE! There is no decency left in this small small town. I'm not going to say I hate you, too negative, but I do dislike you immensely right now and I have been known to forgive, but right now I don't even want to see your face. And I doubt I'll want to see it in the next 11 days either before I leave, so you can kick rocks. It's like BAM right out of left field. "We're friends! I love you! Let me go rain on your fucking parade!" With a friend like this, who needs any enemies? Another valuable reason why I got rid of myspace back in the fucking day. Piss off and rot in this town.
If I may I'll just continue on the road to negative town. I'm a complete emotional wreck about my ex-boyfriend situation. Someone had to jump, and he wouldn't, so I did. I feel like I'm climbing up a hill and pulling and pulling all this baggage, all this stress, and all this negative energy up this tall ass hill. Once I hit Pensacola though I can drop it off and kick it all down the other side of the hill and start fresh. If only I could reach the top. It's not even in sight right now, and my eyes are too swollen from mass amounts of water that has been pouring from them. Fuck sadness, fuck pity, fuck tears. I hope I don't ever cry again, unless they are tears of laughter. PLEASE SOMEONE MAKE ME LAUGH!
Hey know what? I can make it easier and just print my blog entries for you so you can hand them to him. That way nothing gets mixed up by word of mouth ya' know?
If I may I'll just continue on the road to negative town. I'm a complete emotional wreck about my ex-boyfriend situation. Someone had to jump, and he wouldn't, so I did. I feel like I'm climbing up a hill and pulling and pulling all this baggage, all this stress, and all this negative energy up this tall ass hill. Once I hit Pensacola though I can drop it off and kick it all down the other side of the hill and start fresh. If only I could reach the top. It's not even in sight right now, and my eyes are too swollen from mass amounts of water that has been pouring from them. Fuck sadness, fuck pity, fuck tears. I hope I don't ever cry again, unless they are tears of laughter. PLEASE SOMEONE MAKE ME LAUGH!
Hey know what? I can make it easier and just print my blog entries for you so you can hand them to him. That way nothing gets mixed up by word of mouth ya' know?
here. Hope you laugh!