I got the day off today by doing some extra filing yesterday that "was going to take hours" but took me really less than an hour. Ahh a nice Friday to do whatever the hell I want. I know for sure there is a party tonight, perhaps a keg? *crosses fingers* If not I've got my own beer and I'll swindle that bottle of champagne off my mom. If I don't drink it at least I can make a few ladies giggle with it. Speaking of work and me having a Friday off here is the view from my window. That's right MY window, haha like I have an office. I just sit my ass in the back room, but I'm the only one back there and I do have a table...Yeah I'm an executive.
I have been craving Moe's queso for about a month now, but I've been so broke that I couldn't get any but it was something I mentioned every day. Today while babysitting my friend shows up with a surprise and it's a big ass bowl of the queso and a bag of chips. I was ecstatic, one of the best taste ever and always a mellow-vator!
A few pictures from last weekend, enjoy!
Some of Stephen and I.
I've been thinking about really turning the photography I do into art, worthy art that goes on the wall. I want to make big prints and frame them. I think I'm starting to get good. But I'm just being my own critic. Either way I'm putting up my stuff on my own wall, if someone wanted to buy and it put it on theirs, feel free!
And to leave off with: PEACE
12:20 PM EDIT.
Ah I woke up feeling pretty great.
Ordered a few things from my Wish List.
I bought The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, I HEART HUCKABEES, and The Royal Tenenbaums. All of that WITH shipping only cost me $20.06!
Then I ordered my "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster. A message I will look at and use every day when I hang it up in my room. I think I'm going to frame it as well.
The order was so confusing with that though because it's from the UK and I didn't get to chose my shipping options or even see my order total. It was just like "THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER!" I'm used to the sites telling me how much and things like that, so I had to send an email. But I did some calculations and I think my total with shipping came to around $13.08. I wish I had an answer though so I could balance my checking accnt, but oh well.
Heh, I got an answer already and it's only been a few minutes. It was $13.02. Not bad.
Gah my teacher still hasn't put in my grade and it is June! If I lose my scholarship because of her shit will hit the fan. Just what does that mean anyways? I mean I know what it means, but who came up with that. Sounds rather "re-dick."
I hope my wedding ends with me not knowing where I am or who I am married to.