Well 'oh my lucky stars and stripes' Kayla is back in the South! kiss
lol and i'm ooohh so glad you're back!!! biggrin
and the mosaic is of different pictures about me, you go to flickr and type in the answers to 12 questions and pick a picture from the first page of results. the first picture is for my name, the second fav food, the school i went to, fav color, celeb crush (jermaine mmm kiss ), fav drink, dream vacation, fav desert, dream career, fav place, one word that describes you (i searched under compassion and that egg came up), and the last one is for your flickr screename smile

see you tomorrow kiss
The Northwest misses you!!
So I'm about to pack up from here and head home on Wednesday. I've been neglecting suicide girls to a shameful degree, but there just isn't too much time or opportunity here right now to sit down, blog, post photos, be active in groups, look at sets, comment those sets, etc. BUT when I get settled back into town (Pensacola) the real adventure begins then....
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You will be sorely missed in Portland in the mean time!
Corvette road trip?
lol i'm not promising anything, but you just hurry up and bring your ass back here!!!

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the next ninja day bossy will be trippin balls!

So I'm warming up to Portland and it's finally warming up to me, no literally it's actually 75 degrees today and I'm not freezing my natural black ass off for once! biggrin I got a new bicycle, it's a vintage Schwinn. Ah finally dreams are coming true around here! It's a bad ass cycle, sucks I had to replace Bill (my old cycle) but this new...
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Seems things are gettting better! Hang in there adjustments and transitions take time! Your new bike is most boss!! CAn't wait to go for a ride! The jeep will be parked most of the time. But, we will be living simplier greener lifestyles.

I love you and miss you! I know it is up and down right now but it will even out eventually.

You are my heart!

What no oregon theater update? Tell us about chucks!!! lol tongue
duuuude! a sixteen candles set is going up tomorrow, its a multi with ladie and kayden. there's goes my set blackeyed

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oh yea and that 3rd profile pic is ridiculous when have you seen a black ass eskimo baby?! haha i love you!

I think to myself all the time: What does this place really have to offer?

I wish I knew and I wish I could state more than the obvious (dank bud, beautiful surroundings, amazing brew, good public transit, etc.) but damn when your husband is gone for about 12 hours out of the day the city can be the loneliest place alive.

I'm so bummed...
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you need me and the rest of bossy!

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or a job bitch!

It's a new dawn on this awakening and by golly I should get more sun!

There are just some things if you don't say out loud or write down you will truly go insane. There are some wounds that will NEVER heal left from people you care about, but you can do your best to keep a bandage on those and keep the wounds clean with some sort of antiseptic. It sucks, and you don't want to be 'that girl'...
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sounds like you've got some heavy shit on your mind. i wish you were here La!

Finally, a chance to update. Currently in the good ol' PDX! Things here are so different than the south, and I mean DRASTICALLY different. Not in negative ways, just different ways. The driving around here is fucking insanity, the weather is busting my balls, and the walking has taken a toll on my back. BUT it really is awesome here and I'm glad it's my...
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glad to see you updated!!! thanks for the good vibrations and i finally figured out the profile thing lol thanks again! the job is at the marriot in the gift shop me and joy might be working in there soo keep sending love across the universe kiss you'll get used to walking i do it al lthe time on campus and i actually love it now

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p.s:walking keeps the stoner lbs off wink

love you!!!

haha i never stopped smoking lol everyday i was like ok this is the last day, after today no more! but blunts and bowls keep coming my way and who am i to say no tongue lol i miiiiissss youuuu!!!! come back bitch!
Holy fuck this morning I woke up back in Pensacola! And holy shit tomorrow I'll fall asleep in Portland! biggrin

mmm yep. I've got a million photos from Panama City, just let me get myself together. Our house looks like a tornado of hell has swept through it. I can't even begin to imagine what it will look like when I'm away for a month, because...
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haha oh! i must have been drunk b/c i didn't remember tongue
i would love to see some pics or hear some info on portland wink
There isn't a damn thing that could stop me now! My energy lately has been real up and down. The weird part of it all is that I'm letting another person's negative energy effect my positive. Not any longer, I'm over it and I'm going to go back to being me. The fun loving, tree hugging, crazy haired, red eyed girl that I love, and...
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yea that was the phrase lol
you in that married group yet?
I hate distance and so I'm god damn sick and tired of using my telephone.
Me too!! Only 5 more days!!! I love you. We have almost made it.

MMMM My own SG!
I hope I can at least survive the night.

"I'm about to get REAL HOOD over these biscuits."

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I think I'm interested in becoming a SG again...oh gezz it's been two years since I've really given it a hard thought. Once I get in Portland maybe the mood will really strike me.