This time next week I'll be starting my 20s.
I'll be moving across the country.
And I'm going to be with my husband again.

All of this at once?!
it definitely is. he had a car wreck yesterday.. karma is always waiting around the corner! ha!
Well, you seem to know what missig means. wink I am waiting for my godson to come back from Gaboun. (The cute little man wink ) In addition I am waiting for the results of a literary contest and reply from a prospective publisher.
Man I'm hooked on a lot of new bands lately. There has been like a massive music explosion in the world these past few years and there isn't ANY excuse for someone to like bad music these days.

MGMT - Electric Feel

Vampire Weekend - A-Punk

Digitalism - Echoes

last.fm link!

Just to name a few. I'll add more to this later.
you don't have to tell me twice lol life is about to flip upside down...and although the thought of it is a little scary sometimes, i couldn't be more excited. biggrin and i'm soooo coming to see you and luke before the year is up kiss
Man, you admit being from Schenectady! I only go back there to visit my mom.
Back after a small hiatus. I hope you all know to always hold out when your account expires because they offer you a pretty sweet offer to return. So I blew my last few dollars here in hopes of curing my severe boredom. It seemed like every thing expired on me at once. My XBOX LIVE membership expired too at the same time as this,...
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ill be in jacksonville. is that far from you?
id love to meet so sg people while in out there smile
i love m.i.a ALOT! shes hot and pretty amazing!
mmm thats lasagna looks good. i love making lasagna
So as of lately I've been packing like a mad woman. I'm a girl with a mission and that is to consolidate my whole life into one large box. I'm so ahead of schedule though it's insane, usually my first name is procrastination but I think I've been packing so fast because I'm really stoked to be going back to Portland. Lately I've missed it...
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I love you so much!!! MOving can be a pain in the ass and not just for the obvious reasons. Leaving friends behind hurts, a necessary evil when moving...

I am so impressed by the progress!!
i was just amazed that it didn't fall under then typical super hero movie and the depth they added to it was fan- friggin-tastic
I was reading a certain Suicide Girl's blog today and it really made me appreciate some simple things about life. I used to be all about simple things, but lately I've let things become so complicated in my head and there is stuff I care about now that I wouldn't have even noticed let alone make a big deal about, that just really isn't worth...
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I'm so happy to be with you!

I miss you like a madman! Come back.... P'town isn't the same without you.

Back home to Pensacola today! I'm fucking stoked. So far Pensacola has just been a pit stop on my summer road tour and I can't wait to just get back in it. I want to throw some sort of kick ass 'let's lose all our inhibitions' party with people stripped down to their skivvies or just naked folks running around with body paint. SOMETHING along...
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Your hair is cool!!! Quite a party you have planned!
OH My! You are too hardcore for me! Not sure I can keep up... lol. I love you!
I love you!!!!! Just missing you right now...
A part of me feels like I'm being called home. To my original home state: New York.

I would give anything to go there. I can picture it now, me in the big apple once again. Smiling, not seeing my place until the sun comes up, ducking into random alleys with friends to light our cigarettes, and waking up in Central Park from a tripped...
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I think some days are just better than others. Some nights are darker and some days are brighter.

WTF is going on with Suicide Girls?! It seems my top favorites are all going gray! Good god when I saw that Flux was no longer with us, I just thought this whole thing was going hell.

Uhh what a bummer. frown
There are just some days when life gives you a swift kick in the fucking face with an indescribable amount of reality. I can already tell life will certainly be no fairy tale. The only way that could be possible was if you could turn back time and bottle every emotion, feeling, and attitude of the person you love; when they first fell in love...
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Do you ever just feel extremly unappreciated and disrespected?

I'm so wishy washy.
I want to go back to Portland already. blackeyed
wtf?! why do you feel unappreciated? you better stop all this nonesense!!!!
kiss i love you and shiieet!
Misery loves company. love