So lately religion and the after life has been weighing heavily on my mind. I was raised Christian, went to an Episcopalian school most of my life, and attended church with my mom from time to time. Let's just say I am familiar with Jesus, I understand the story, I get the Bible. Wait, not so much get, but I know the story. I...
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Things are good ^_^
Long day today though.
I went to bed at 3:30ish am. Woke up at 7am. Went to the gym until 9:45. Walked the 35 minutes to work and then worked until 9:30pm. No I'm just tired lol.
How was your day?

For me I was also raised by a very strict Christian family.
I have spent a lot of time reading about and talking to people about different religions.
I have my own cultural beliefs and spirituality.
As far as organized religion goes I hate the hypocrisy, bigotry, and bullshit carried out in the name of whatever god these people so chose to believe in.
the only organized religion I could ever consider being close to that which my culture teaches and believes is Buddhism.
Also in my research and opinion when broken down to there most basic forms and principles most all religions teach the same things.
So as people are different and interpret things differently how do we not know all religion is the same message from the same creator interpreted differently and changed by men?
If me you and three of our friends read the same book we may likely come to different opinions on who the characters where and what the artists mindset/meaning was.
Same as if we all analyze an abstract painting.

Just my thoughts
I'd recommend you looking into Taoism or Shinto.

Buddhism (Zen, in particular) and its take on what happens after we die (though not generally the first time) might prove interesting for you.
I've discovered that if you wait for the rain to stop in Portland, you'll be waiting forever.

Lesson learned. blackeyed
"It can't rain all the time"-Eric Draven

That would be so amazing if you got to travel around doing history/discovery channel type work.

I understand the finical obstacle, I hate that money runs everything. Though I refuse to continue to be part of the system. running the race.
I have always dreamed of just packing a bag and leaving. Just going.
Maybe I will someday.
aww... i like rainy days

What is your major?
Thats cool, what area of film/film making are you looking to have as your expertise?
I know its hard but try not to get discouraged. These things always work themselves out and maybe this semester off will help you in preparing for the rest of school or any choices being made on a different school.
I know it all sounds like some hokey new age bullshit ^_^
but I have to remind myself that sometimes. That life is a balance. In my culture we believe in that balance and the circular motion in which everything flows. There is always upsides to bad times and amazing memories and relationships formed in the heart of despair.
Just they are not always easy to recognize while in them.

I have a friend who got into his top choice college and is set to graduate next year. But because of his academic grades in two classes (sense he was a freshman ) he now has to leave. (they are super strict ) At first he was crushed and I still believe part of him is, but he understands that there is positive in whatever school he now choses.
I guess in my ramblings im just saying keep at it

I guess life is always like that, you want whatever you can't have.

I believe that we can have whatever we want. We just have to work for it.
So many people fall victim to community, bills, excuses, failed past plans that they feel they can not have what they want. In reality as the quote from Sun Tzu says in my blog

Can you imagine what I could(/would) do if I could do all I can?

so whats stopping you???

I'm having reoccurring dreams of Bill Gates and I hooking up. Last night though he was being shy and I had to go in for the kill, then we started dating (even after I called him a sellout in front of everyone), and I pissed off a friend because of it. All I can really remember is that he had really soft lips, but they...
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i already figured you had lol and yes that is kt! we love her new macbook love
Things have gotten a little weird around here lately. Hopefully...
It's just me.
In all honesty you can't ever go wrong with The Beatles.

It will brighten up the best or the worst of days. Doctors should prescribe their albums for depression, anxiety, upset stomachs, diabetes, pregnancy, etc. You get it.

Or at least I hope you do.
oh god why?!?! how can you stand that foolishness? i couldn't even finish that video you posted on my page it was so aweful lol i have no idea what's hot now i'm locked away in the studio when i'm not in class surreal
oh and thank you! i love alice biggrin
My gamerscore on the 360 just broke 1000.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Biggest accomplishment of the month so far.

I was just a few mere minutes too late on picking up some free Ratatat tickets for tonight. Too many damn hip kids living in my neighborhood. Sigh. frown

Everyone keeps saying, "Enjoy the weather while you can." I'm afraid after summer fades out that Portland will...
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haha you and your meat eating rampage!!!! tongue i miss you!!!! hopefully i'll be seeing you soon kiss
I'm in the mood for the beach today.
Funny. blackeyed
Made it into Portland yesterday afternoon. Entering the city was refreshing, walking into my apartment and lighting up a bowl of Portland's finest commodity was heaven. I can't believe this is still the place I live now, it's so different from the south but a really good sort of different. Now the fun part, trying to organize this apartment. Never a hard task with a...
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If you're not first, you're last! Vettes and dark mountains roads = BADASS! I feel like listening to bitchin' camaro by the dead milkmen!
Quick update. In Salt Lake City this morning, leaving for California today. We're not really sure what city we're going to stop in yet, just playing a lot of this by ear. I love an unplanned road trip, fuck the boundaries! biggrin Oklahoma and Kansas are a drag to drive through, we stayed in Denver the other night with one of Luke's old friends and had...
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niiice pictures! i don't think it has really hit me that you're gone frown i love you

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

meat eating rampage and all wink

Luke arrives in Pensacola today! love It's almost been two months since we've seen each other, but this is the last time we plan to be apart for so long. My 20th birthday is Tuesday and I move to Portland on Wednesday. We're driving cross country, so I'll try to document the trip some on here. Can't believe it's time for all of this already! I'm...
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happy birfday yo
Happy birthday!