I was tagged by @altamethyst a few weeks ago but ya gal has been on the struggle bus the last few months especially so I never got round to doing it! Determined to pull myself out and get on track again though
Tattoos........................18….i just go big 😹
Piercings..................... I used to have 16 but now have 12
Marriages.................... 0
Divorces...................... 0
Proposals.................... 0
Children....................... 1
Surgeries..................... 2 medical and 1 non
Shot a gun................... I did clay pigeon shooting once and discovered I’m lethal 😹
Quit a job..................... yes but only because I’ve moved away
100+miles in a car...... dread to think how many miles I’ve put down in the past 16 years. It’s a couple hundred each way though every time I’ve shot with @tripodski and Fraser 😅
Hit a deer.................... Once and very lightly so it trotted off fine
zip lining......................It’s one of my favourite things and I’ve not done it enough
Cried over someone.... probably weekly 😹
Fallen in love...............Definitely once
Watched someone give birth……only in movies haha
Watched someone die.....also only in movies
Been to Canada......... not yet!
Ridden in an ambulance.....yes and with the sirens on and everything
Visited Las Vegas......yes but we don’t talk about it 😹😹 we’ll try for a better trip this October
Sang karaoke.............I used to all the time. I’m ex stage school so loved it but I’m a wimp now
please join in and answer if you’ve not done this one yet!