Yello mello fellos, Ok so my plans for Glastonbury has gone down the drain.....instead just having a awesome camping road trip with friends! Yay!, I will go to a music fest one year....someday. Anyways had an awesome spleepover at Natabells, mixed drinks and nachos. lol. then a lush hangover the next day...which is today....that has made slow and confused, thank god I ain't working today. Natabell's favourite flavour jam is jam and I was dreaming of mexio, maybe it was the nachos. lol. :confused
So far enjoying SG and hope to meet more fun people. Right now I could use a movie to watch....any....but what tho?

So far enjoying SG and hope to meet more fun people. Right now I could use a movie to watch....any....but what tho?

Yeah sorry to hear about glasto, but you should check out one of the smaller festivals around the country like 2000 trees!
luv J xx
Yeah I am quite a positive person! Sometimes have to have the odd whinge though, hey!