So, I was working today, and I started to daydream a little. The boredom of it often fosters the brain's tendency to wander a wee bit, heh. I started to list off things that I enjoy that I don't do anymore 'cuz being an adult gets in the way.
I enjoy sitting in the grass under the sun, playing "she loves me, she loves me not" with the flowers around me, about no one in particular. I don't get upset when the last petal falls on "loves me not", 'cuz all I have to do is lean over and grab a new flower to try again.
I like drawing on the sidewalk with chalk and making a hopscotch game. Only I make it uneven and complicated, so it's more interesting and fun.
One day soon I'd like to pick up knitting again, and learn how to make those neato kitty ear hats. I still haven't graduated past "shitty half-assed scarves".
I want to relearn all the jump rope rhymes I knew by heart in the 4th grade so I can play Mary Mack and double dutch.
I want to press my face against the glass at the monkeys at the zoo. They sometimes do it back.
If I can find them, I want to go through my old burned CDs I made in the 8th grade and listen to them while I draw tonight.
But most of all, I miss having a friend drive me and the a large group of our other friends squeezed into a tiny car, screaming really old Backstreet Boys lyrics at the top of our lungs, and not having a care in the goddamn world except getting to the show on time to see our favorite local band before they break up again.
I enjoy sitting in the grass under the sun, playing "she loves me, she loves me not" with the flowers around me, about no one in particular. I don't get upset when the last petal falls on "loves me not", 'cuz all I have to do is lean over and grab a new flower to try again.
I like drawing on the sidewalk with chalk and making a hopscotch game. Only I make it uneven and complicated, so it's more interesting and fun.
One day soon I'd like to pick up knitting again, and learn how to make those neato kitty ear hats. I still haven't graduated past "shitty half-assed scarves".
I want to relearn all the jump rope rhymes I knew by heart in the 4th grade so I can play Mary Mack and double dutch.
I want to press my face against the glass at the monkeys at the zoo. They sometimes do it back.
If I can find them, I want to go through my old burned CDs I made in the 8th grade and listen to them while I draw tonight.
But most of all, I miss having a friend drive me and the a large group of our other friends squeezed into a tiny car, screaming really old Backstreet Boys lyrics at the top of our lungs, and not having a care in the goddamn world except getting to the show on time to see our favorite local band before they break up again.
my bewbs... hee hee hee.

She's the singer of the band the Dresden Dolls. You could watch the videos and have an idea, you know.