I can't stand the way people are raising their kids these days.
From experience, I know that had I been brought up like children are today, I'd be an entirely different person, one that I probably wouldn't like. I come from an old school variety of parenting. When a certain age passed, my mom and dad didn't comfort me anymore. The phrases "walk it off" and "suck it up" were used frequently.
After my mom and dad split up, my mom raised the four of us on her own, but that didn't soften her up at all, haha. If my heart was broken, my mom would give me a bear hug and say "this too shall pass." Y'know, things like that. She wasn't cold. My mom surrounded me with love and understanding when I was a kid. But when I stepped out of line, BAM, down came the hammer. As it should be.
These days, a kid can pick up the phone and call the cops on their parents for simply spanking them. And that is a fucking shame.
Parents who pamper and spoil their children when they misbehave, I'm going to tell you right now, you're raising a bunch of rotten, self-centered pussies. I know, I grew up with some of them, and some of my friends are this kind of parent.
If your four-year-old is hitting you, punching your legs in the grocery store, and you're embarrassed and your patience is wearing thin, grab that little fucker by the arm and berate him. If he continues to be a little shit, spank his ass until he cries. I guarantee you do that a few times, your kid will eventually behave, and learn how to act in public.
If I see a mom or dad, in the same situation, say to their child in a gentle baby voice, "Now BIlly, that's not very nice, could you please stop that?" And little Billy is laughing and screaming and pursuing the behavior with no obvious intent to stop, I become furious. WHY? WHY WHY WHY aren't they parenting their child? Your kid isn't going to stop simply because you ask him to. He doesn't see a reason why if you're going to coddle him and treat him like a delicate infant. He's four years old. He knows what he's doing.
Some of you are probably saying, "JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE KIDS, KAVVYKINS, YOU'LL SEE."
Here's what I can do that these people who were raised like this can't:
I can stand in a line patiently waiting for my turn, whereas they would slowly become furious and demand service, even if they're the 5th person in line.
I can wait for a green light in traffic, instead of zooming and weaving between cars and almost causing an accident because GODDAMNIT I HAVE SHIT TO DO.
I can look at a situation and understand where I might be wrong, whereas they'll defend themselves to the death even if they're so obviously incorrect they're practically sweating their own wrongness.
I know that I have to work hard to get what I want, and so I do; but they figure they're entitled to all the riches in the world, and are indignant and confused when they don't get what they want.
I could go on and on and on.
All that has me thinking, "In the long run, will it help my child if I stop his crying and screaming by giving him what he wants, or is this an opportunity to teach him how to act as an adult?"
Now, I know that some people are just flaming douches. They're parents were like mine or similar. Hardasses, through and through, but their offspring are still annoying pompous bitches. But I look at their siblings, and more often than not, they're like me. Logical, thorough, understanding and patient. Not to say that I don't have my moments of immaturity and impulse, I'm a human after all. But when I see a 16-year-old kid flip out in Auto Zone because his dad won't buy him the ridiculous expensive rims for his car THAT HIS DAD BOUGHT FOR HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE, and then his dad buckles and buys him the damn rims, a small part of me dies on the inside.
And that is my rant for the day.
Gotta go pay rent, and then play the fuck out of some Sims 3.
- Kavvy
From experience, I know that had I been brought up like children are today, I'd be an entirely different person, one that I probably wouldn't like. I come from an old school variety of parenting. When a certain age passed, my mom and dad didn't comfort me anymore. The phrases "walk it off" and "suck it up" were used frequently.
After my mom and dad split up, my mom raised the four of us on her own, but that didn't soften her up at all, haha. If my heart was broken, my mom would give me a bear hug and say "this too shall pass." Y'know, things like that. She wasn't cold. My mom surrounded me with love and understanding when I was a kid. But when I stepped out of line, BAM, down came the hammer. As it should be.
These days, a kid can pick up the phone and call the cops on their parents for simply spanking them. And that is a fucking shame.
Parents who pamper and spoil their children when they misbehave, I'm going to tell you right now, you're raising a bunch of rotten, self-centered pussies. I know, I grew up with some of them, and some of my friends are this kind of parent.
If your four-year-old is hitting you, punching your legs in the grocery store, and you're embarrassed and your patience is wearing thin, grab that little fucker by the arm and berate him. If he continues to be a little shit, spank his ass until he cries. I guarantee you do that a few times, your kid will eventually behave, and learn how to act in public.
If I see a mom or dad, in the same situation, say to their child in a gentle baby voice, "Now BIlly, that's not very nice, could you please stop that?" And little Billy is laughing and screaming and pursuing the behavior with no obvious intent to stop, I become furious. WHY? WHY WHY WHY aren't they parenting their child? Your kid isn't going to stop simply because you ask him to. He doesn't see a reason why if you're going to coddle him and treat him like a delicate infant. He's four years old. He knows what he's doing.
Some of you are probably saying, "JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE KIDS, KAVVYKINS, YOU'LL SEE."
Here's what I can do that these people who were raised like this can't:
I can stand in a line patiently waiting for my turn, whereas they would slowly become furious and demand service, even if they're the 5th person in line.
I can wait for a green light in traffic, instead of zooming and weaving between cars and almost causing an accident because GODDAMNIT I HAVE SHIT TO DO.
I can look at a situation and understand where I might be wrong, whereas they'll defend themselves to the death even if they're so obviously incorrect they're practically sweating their own wrongness.
I know that I have to work hard to get what I want, and so I do; but they figure they're entitled to all the riches in the world, and are indignant and confused when they don't get what they want.
I could go on and on and on.
All that has me thinking, "In the long run, will it help my child if I stop his crying and screaming by giving him what he wants, or is this an opportunity to teach him how to act as an adult?"
Now, I know that some people are just flaming douches. They're parents were like mine or similar. Hardasses, through and through, but their offspring are still annoying pompous bitches. But I look at their siblings, and more often than not, they're like me. Logical, thorough, understanding and patient. Not to say that I don't have my moments of immaturity and impulse, I'm a human after all. But when I see a 16-year-old kid flip out in Auto Zone because his dad won't buy him the ridiculous expensive rims for his car THAT HIS DAD BOUGHT FOR HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE, and then his dad buckles and buys him the damn rims, a small part of me dies on the inside.
And that is my rant for the day.
Gotta go pay rent, and then play the fuck out of some Sims 3.
- Kavvy

I totally agree.
Some parents drive me absolutely nuts.
I just want to tell them 'you know, you're ruining your child' or 'holy fuck; ever heard of manners?'
It's ridiculous.
It's so amazing when I see a well-behaved child.
(And fuck yeah; Sims 3!)