christmas was good, i got a mini ipod and fencing lessons.
and tons of candy of course.
laura will be here soon! (shes the one im licking in my picture) she lives on the east coast so i never ever get to see her. *pout* but soon i will.
for once i dont really know whats going to happen this new years. usually i get a limo and go all over the place for my birthday, but i wasnt so organized this year. plus i was planning on going to apocalypse, but no one has the means to go but me it seems. so i'll see i guess.

and tons of candy of course.
laura will be here soon! (shes the one im licking in my picture) she lives on the east coast so i never ever get to see her. *pout* but soon i will.

for once i dont really know whats going to happen this new years. usually i get a limo and go all over the place for my birthday, but i wasnt so organized this year. plus i was planning on going to apocalypse, but no one has the means to go but me it seems. so i'll see i guess.
i went to apocalypse! if only i knew you wanted to go we could have met up and i'd introduce you to all my friends. before long, you'd be at the center of a small crowd of very nice people.