in my social work studies, i intern in a Retirement home which has elderly people of all functioning spectrum. today in class my lecturer told us about a book named Final Exit. the book sounds really interesting, so i put it on my Wishlist. you know, i don't normally do this, but if someone wishes to spoil me i will be really greatfull, since it's not out in Israel i can't get it.
anyway, just wanted to share with you, that this year so far, has really helped shaping my mind towards my career direction. there are so many options in social work,and with all the groups i have worked with so far -kids, mentally ill, people that are helped by the welfare (for lack of better translation..) and elderly people i find myself at home most with the elderly.i think it might be the direction i will go to after i finish uni.

anyway, just wanted to share with you, that this year so far, has really helped shaping my mind towards my career direction. there are so many options in social work,and with all the groups i have worked with so far -kids, mentally ill, people that are helped by the welfare (for lack of better translation..) and elderly people i find myself at home most with the elderly.i think it might be the direction i will go to after i finish uni.

Good for you! Not everyone can do it.
