nothing much to update.
lots of going away sex. i redyed my roots & hair... i posted a couple of new pix of it. it's getting kinda long. i guess i'll let it grow until it looks like shit (i hope someone tells me when that happens LOL).
tomorrow nite i leave for new orleans!!!!!
all you NOLA peeps that want to hang out need to email me at ---- i'll give you my cell # and where i'm staying so we can make sure to hook up thursday nite at 735!!!!
lots of going away sex. i redyed my roots & hair... i posted a couple of new pix of it. it's getting kinda long. i guess i'll let it grow until it looks like shit (i hope someone tells me when that happens LOL).
tomorrow nite i leave for new orleans!!!!!
all you NOLA peeps that want to hang out need to email me at ---- i'll give you my cell # and where i'm staying so we can make sure to hook up thursday nite at 735!!!!
great pics. you've got an EYE!
hey i would love for u to take pics of me. but you live in florida. i live in cali. i love your portfolio. this is the kind of work i would like to do when i get bored of doing hair. my dad was a photographer. i got as far as learning to develope bk/wt film in high school. that would be the coolest job, taking pics of naked chicks. hey im supposed to meet larry flint in sept. maybe i could give him your card or something. i have a book signing in sept at the hustler store. if you could come, that would be cool. its in hollywood. when i meet him, i wanted to give him a realy cool picture of me. i dont think im hustler material but i think hes a realy cool guy. the book that is comming out is a tattoo book. regardless i think if you took pics of me it would be wonderful