I try to be a good person. I try to do what is best, and when I am dedicated to something, I stick to it. Today, I lost my job. I actually quit this company about 3 months ago, but they needed help. I offered to help, under the stipulation that they give me ample notice when my help would no longer be needed. This job took up all of my time, and I informed them that while working and doing the job, I would not be able to find another job. They agreed, and promised to give me at least 2 weeks notice. Today, I got notice. That I am no longer needed. I am sooo fucking angry. I have been at this company over 3 years. Given my life and soul to this freaking place. Obtained an ulcer or 2. Avoided schooling because I was making a "career". And now this. Those fucking assholes. Luckily, I have another job lined up. If that falls through, I am not above working retail again. I should soon be re-starting school with proper financial aid, and be going full time.
I guess with all this free time I will have to work on new sets!!
I guess with all this free time I will have to work on new sets!!

You can do better than that, and I'm sure you will.