Hmmmmm. Well, I always have been a little slow to the draw, and I am finally deciding to write in this thing....
I really enjoyed the feedback I received from everyone after my pics were put on the site. Thanks.
Now, about where I have been. I have been in hiding, and debating on doing another set.. Not responding to emails, and basically avoiding that I even submitted those pictures to begin with. Yes, I am under an alias, but it is still me. But, I think I am coming around, and I shall be sending in another set shortly, if you will all still have me.
As for the time being, I am sitting on a balcony in the nice breezy weather drinking a glass of wine.
Wish you were here,
Kitten as a Katt
I really enjoyed the feedback I received from everyone after my pics were put on the site. Thanks.
Now, about where I have been. I have been in hiding, and debating on doing another set.. Not responding to emails, and basically avoiding that I even submitted those pictures to begin with. Yes, I am under an alias, but it is still me. But, I think I am coming around, and I shall be sending in another set shortly, if you will all still have me.
As for the time being, I am sitting on a balcony in the nice breezy weather drinking a glass of wine.
Wish you were here,
Kitten as a Katt
Were you actually part of a dot bomb? Which one?
Personally, I think your feelings are pretty understandable. I'd get kinda antsy about having a set of nude photos of myself on a rather popular website, but I also gotta admit I look forward to seeing another set, I haven't seen many cute punk girls with freckles.