Well, its been a long long time since I have updated this thing. There is so much going on in my world right now, that I don't even know where to start.
I will just stick to the easy stuff. Very excited for LOTR, Return of the King to come out. Yesterday I saw the extended version of the Two Towers in the theatre. Up until a few months ago, I had not even seen the movies. I wanted to read the books first. It became painfully obvious that I was not going to do that, so I decided to watch the DVD's. I am still kicking myself for not seeing them sooner. It almost embarrasses me that I have not read the books. Even more embarrassing is the fact that I had never even heard of them until recently. I think I grew up in a cave or something...
I have recently completed acting in a short horror film that my friend was making. SOOOO Much fun, and I had forgotten how much I love to act. It's kinda changed the gears in my head, in regards to what I want to do with my life. It feels nice to have a bit of direction again. Let's just hope this sticks.
Vacation in 7 days. Much family and rest needed and anticipated. It's amazing how fast time flies by, then you realize its been almost 3 years since you have seen any family member. Luckily I have wonderful friends whom I love very much, and send much adoration their way today.
I will just stick to the easy stuff. Very excited for LOTR, Return of the King to come out. Yesterday I saw the extended version of the Two Towers in the theatre. Up until a few months ago, I had not even seen the movies. I wanted to read the books first. It became painfully obvious that I was not going to do that, so I decided to watch the DVD's. I am still kicking myself for not seeing them sooner. It almost embarrasses me that I have not read the books. Even more embarrassing is the fact that I had never even heard of them until recently. I think I grew up in a cave or something...
I have recently completed acting in a short horror film that my friend was making. SOOOO Much fun, and I had forgotten how much I love to act. It's kinda changed the gears in my head, in regards to what I want to do with my life. It feels nice to have a bit of direction again. Let's just hope this sticks.
Vacation in 7 days. Much family and rest needed and anticipated. It's amazing how fast time flies by, then you realize its been almost 3 years since you have seen any family member. Luckily I have wonderful friends whom I love very much, and send much adoration their way today.

have a happy/safe new years lady 

I never heard of LOTR until recently either even though all of my firends knew about the books and were so excited about the movies. It seems that I was the only one who went to a school that didn't read the books. That cool that you were in a horro movie. The production company that a friend of mine works for just got done with one also. I wonder if it was by chance the same one. If so that would be kind of interesting. Hope you have a good time on vacation and a happy new year.