Whoa. It's almost Freaking JUNE. Where does the time go?
Well, I am still on the hunt for a job, but its getting warmer. Before I was in hypothermic shock it was so freaking void out there. I have recently moved to an awesome place that I love so much, almost more than life itself. I have 2 great roommates, 3 great cats and more room than I know what to do with. I was at a pet store yesterday, and I think I am going to get a bunny rabbit soon. My other roommates want turtles and Water Dragons as well, so it will be kinda zoo-like around here.
Due to some massive depression and self loathing I haven't been really around much. I missed prom which was a huge bummer and a let down to me. I had every intention of going, but the day of I realized I still had not received my unemployment check, had no gas and absoulutely nothing to wear, so I stayed home. There ended up being a party in the building where I am so that was cool. I left my sorrows in the bottom of a bottle of Stoli.
I have been reading about all of the SGSF get togethers, and am quite jealous. Hopefully I will be able to pull myself together and join in on the fun.
OK. Off to search more Employment ads.
Have a great day.
Well, I am still on the hunt for a job, but its getting warmer. Before I was in hypothermic shock it was so freaking void out there. I have recently moved to an awesome place that I love so much, almost more than life itself. I have 2 great roommates, 3 great cats and more room than I know what to do with. I was at a pet store yesterday, and I think I am going to get a bunny rabbit soon. My other roommates want turtles and Water Dragons as well, so it will be kinda zoo-like around here.
Due to some massive depression and self loathing I haven't been really around much. I missed prom which was a huge bummer and a let down to me. I had every intention of going, but the day of I realized I still had not received my unemployment check, had no gas and absoulutely nothing to wear, so I stayed home. There ended up being a party in the building where I am so that was cool. I left my sorrows in the bottom of a bottle of Stoli.
I have been reading about all of the SGSF get togethers, and am quite jealous. Hopefully I will be able to pull myself together and join in on the fun.
OK. Off to search more Employment ads.
Have a great day.

I didn't know you could breed a Water Dragon,I guess they are those kind of stylish seahorses-like animals of the ocean wich have the same name, I saw one in a documentary and they are gorgeous.
wish you good luck !
[Edited on Jun 15, 2003]