Well, first blog post ever. My name is Katsu, and I never know what to do in these things ^^;; I could use this as a place to rant about resturant work (oh how fun...) or to talk about my "exciting" life. There are several other options which are probably boring to read over. I guess I'll just wing it. =^.^=
Soo, I made a set, but my paperwork isn't done yet so it may be a hot minute before it is up for review. I didn't much have access to the site beforehand, so I had no way of learning that a crap ton of people have bubble bath sets ><;; Hopefully there are more than a few things that set mine apart.
Well... I have two cats and two fish. I used to have five fish and a snail, but apparently I cannot have an aquarium >< I had a spotted blowfish, but he was the first to go. I had four black mollies, but one got ick and the other died mysteriously. Seriously! I have no idea how that one died! As for the snail...That was a mystery too. I noticed some white on his shell and he died two days later. Fish are not for me. The cats are healthy thoug... One's still kinda a kitten and hellacious (plus freaking adorable) and the other is a five year old Mama-San. She's around twenty pounds...
That's about it for tonight... Bai ^^
Soo, I made a set, but my paperwork isn't done yet so it may be a hot minute before it is up for review. I didn't much have access to the site beforehand, so I had no way of learning that a crap ton of people have bubble bath sets ><;; Hopefully there are more than a few things that set mine apart.
Well... I have two cats and two fish. I used to have five fish and a snail, but apparently I cannot have an aquarium >< I had a spotted blowfish, but he was the first to go. I had four black mollies, but one got ick and the other died mysteriously. Seriously! I have no idea how that one died! As for the snail...That was a mystery too. I noticed some white on his shell and he died two days later. Fish are not for me. The cats are healthy thoug... One's still kinda a kitten and hellacious (plus freaking adorable) and the other is a five year old Mama-San. She's around twenty pounds...
That's about it for tonight... Bai ^^
The blowfish was just a tiny guy and his name was Leviathon. He was adorable ^^ Buut they're hard to have in any fish tank. They need specific water temperatures that most water heaters kind of keep around but don't quite achieve.