Weel, I've lost even more weight! I've got a set or two in the works (looked at one I did a few weeks ago and I'm much thinner now so I trashed it!) and I keep changing my hair... I'm drunk.
Well, I'm about 20 lbs lighter! I bought a size small shirt at work today! It feels great to almost be back to old... Read More
Back to internetland at last! I've been registering for school and working and reading for about two weeks now...
However, on the diet side of things, I lost 12 pounds! Yay me! Vitamins plus eating better and having little to no caffiene plus mild exercise = 12 pounds gone! Unfortunatly, my bum shrank a bit >< How I wish that would've been the boobs! I've... Read More
Oh Hai! It's been a few days since I've had a new blog ^^ Nothing much exciting has been happening. Until today! I got a new bike! Yay me! I'll be riding around in neighborhoods that look better than mine in no time, hehe.
Also, I haven't had caffiene in a few days. I feel healthier already >.> I'm on soooo many vitamins now ><... Read More
Apparently after you pay your bills like a good girl for one whole year, you get your deposit (that you forgot about..) back! =^.^= It's like free money (the best kind!) So, since I'm such a good girl, I get to go shopping tomorrow! Well, today... SHOPPING! Free shopping! Oh, I know I should be all responsible adult...But I work my ass off all week... Read More
Hiya! I caught you on a newbie thread, thoguht I'd say what's up
Ooh, dying hair is an exciting time, I'm making changes on Thursday!! SO rad..
Weird that people will add you and not talk to you.. I think some people just want to have a list of friends so they 'blend in' with everyone. Strange though.
I have been puttering around SG for the past few days and I like what I see. I was kinda doubtful when I was thinking about joining, but now I see they were unjustified. Now that I have membership, I can see what SG looks for in a set and submit (a better) one. Hopefully I can get my Hopeful sticker by my name soon,... Read More
Did you already submit your bubble bath set or are you just going to make a new one to send in? Wow, there must be a lot of hopefuls if it takes 2-3 months but who doesn't wanna be a suicide girl?!
Already submitted. I've noticed SG has paid for more than a few bath sets, so maybe there's a chance. I'm either naieve or overly hopeful, but I'll stay whichever one it turns out to be ^^ There are SO many Hopefuls!
Oh Hai, Katsu some more ^^ I worked a twelve hour shift today and am totally bushwhacked. So, having that out of the way >< My aunt started working with me a week ago and it's been fun. It's kinda of funny training my aunt who used to babysit me. She's 47 so it's awkward training someone who has been working longer than I've been... Read More
Well, first blog post ever. My name is Katsu, and I never know what to do in these things ^^;; I could use this as a place to rant about resturant work (oh how fun...) or to talk about my "exciting" life. There are several other options which are probably boring to read over. I guess I'll just wing it. =^.^=
Soo, I made a... Read More
You had a blowfish? That's awesome. Unfortunately since moving out of my parents place, and travelling so much I haven't had any pets. Hope to get some when I'm more settled down. Are you going to get any new ones?
Oh gosh no! No more pets unless the rest of my fish die 0.o Later on I was thinking of getting a nice dog, but that's when I have time i.e. don't work 35-40 hours a week. ><;;
The blowfish was just a tiny guy and his name was Leviathon. He was adorable ^^ Buut they're hard to have in any fish tank. They need specific water temperatures that most water heaters kind of keep around but don't quite achieve.