I love you. I wanna wear you all day long.
Youre so cozy and nice.
I love how I can jump around and move freely in you, and how my boobs are totally free and caressed by your soft cotton.
Yours forever and ever,
Someone else I love forever and ever is Loretta who visited a couple of days ago.
Shes the bestest. Were the silliest.
Click spoiler for random stupidity:
It was really nice and sunny outside. I know Im going all on about it as a mad woman, but you probably couldnt understand the agony of long, grey, cold swedish winter if you havent lived through one.
I think my depression might not have been so bad if I had lived in a sunnier country.
Pyret is such a cute cat, allthough hes obviously mentally retarted to some degree. He tried to catch a crow during that little walk, sneaked up on it by laying in the grass on his stomach, crawling forward. Never mind the human attached to him by the leach, walking freely by him, towering both him and the crow by far....
Im putting the old post with the recipe for chokladbollar under spoiler. You should make them and take photos of them and we could create a virtual chocolatty art performance.
Have a lovely day!