Ive been sick for two weeks. I had high fevers and had to eat a lot of medicine.
It wasnt anything dangerous or so, mostly it just stole a lot of my time.
It almost made me crazy though, just lying in bed, not being able to really move or eat or do anything. Now that Im healthy again, I dont know what to do first. Its like I wanna do all the things I missed in two weeks all at once.
I had time to watch almost every episode of Star Trek Enterprise though.
PS I just saw this picture that PortraitGuy made, its really amazing, dont you think?

It wasnt anything dangerous or so, mostly it just stole a lot of my time.
It almost made me crazy though, just lying in bed, not being able to really move or eat or do anything. Now that Im healthy again, I dont know what to do first. Its like I wanna do all the things I missed in two weeks all at once.
I had time to watch almost every episode of Star Trek Enterprise though.
PS I just saw this picture that PortraitGuy made, its really amazing, dont you think?

Oh, and lovely pic!