its over.
and i knew it would be.
my heart is broken and i feel so empty.
jesus now i know what they mean by the saying of ' love hurts'
he wants to live his life like a film and be like hunter s thompson was the words he gave me and where he is going no one can follow.
so i am casted off like a bit of shit off his shoe.
mother fucker.
im very sad, and hurting and to make it worse he bought me a copy of the new chemical brothers album as a sypathy gift ( that i will not keep).
but my good friend steve posted me some wonderful gifts, thank you steve.
hope you are all well,
a grieving young jones
its over.
and i knew it would be.
my heart is broken and i feel so empty.
jesus now i know what they mean by the saying of ' love hurts'
he wants to live his life like a film and be like hunter s thompson was the words he gave me and where he is going no one can follow.
so i am casted off like a bit of shit off his shoe.
mother fucker.
im very sad, and hurting and to make it worse he bought me a copy of the new chemical brothers album as a sypathy gift ( that i will not keep).
but my good friend steve posted me some wonderful gifts, thank you steve.
hope you are all well,
a grieving young jones

Shit, I used to watch that show every morning before going of to class, if only it were in reruns!

Arggh, i'm sorry