i know its a job.
its cool to have some moula i me pocket, yknow i dont mind working in a bar. the job itself is fine.
its not the right bar for me though.
too many rude boys and middle aged desperate old men leering at you. makes me laugh though.
the pay is sooooooo shit that o might aswell do those sex chat lines (which they are advertising for ppl do it atm)
but i have no talent when it comes to that ahem........ yeh anyway.
thanks for the words of support tho!
i really wld like a nice heavy metal bar to work in as i qwouldnt havr to listen to kylie or babycakes all night my head is still poisoned with the words of babycakes i feel sick to even think that i spent 7hours listening to it!
what a punishment. just make someone listen to that over and over again.
alas that money i earned went straight to the bank.
i still have not got a penny.
if anyone needs a kidney i have one spare and ill be willing to sell at the right price!
i could aslo spare a leg i spose but thats gonna cost a bit more
i know its a job.
its cool to have some moula i me pocket, yknow i dont mind working in a bar. the job itself is fine.
its not the right bar for me though.
too many rude boys and middle aged desperate old men leering at you. makes me laugh though.
the pay is sooooooo shit that o might aswell do those sex chat lines (which they are advertising for ppl do it atm)
but i have no talent when it comes to that ahem........ yeh anyway.
thanks for the words of support tho!
i really wld like a nice heavy metal bar to work in as i qwouldnt havr to listen to kylie or babycakes all night my head is still poisoned with the words of babycakes i feel sick to even think that i spent 7hours listening to it!
what a punishment. just make someone listen to that over and over again.
alas that money i earned went straight to the bank.
i still have not got a penny.
if anyone needs a kidney i have one spare and ill be willing to sell at the right price!
i could aslo spare a leg i spose but thats gonna cost a bit more
how far have you got?
unfortunately you still have the learning to fly missions ahead of you......
my fave is the one where you have to find some alien technology in the army base....wicked