Answer honestly. What do you think is the biggest contributor to violence, and why do you think what you do?
There are so many contributors, I don't think there is a wrong answer. But I want to know what people think, on an individual level, is the very biggest.
This is for school. I have to give a presentation, and people are going to ask me questions and start argueing with me. I crack in front of crowds, so I want to "practice" on some of you. Now, ANSWER!
There are so many contributors, I don't think there is a wrong answer. But I want to know what people think, on an individual level, is the very biggest.
This is for school. I have to give a presentation, and people are going to ask me questions and start argueing with me. I crack in front of crowds, so I want to "practice" on some of you. Now, ANSWER!
Just my $0.02
Actually, I think alot of it is bad parenting. It seems to me most parents out there are doing a piss poor job. They don't care enough, or are "too busy" to teach their kids any values.
This trend in parenting that tells parents to use "time outs" and, god forbid you SPANK your child, is rediculous.
Even at kid's sporting events there is no "loosing" team. They're afraid of anybody getting their feelings hurt. It's crap!
People are effctivley removing everything that builds carachter and makes them better adjusted people, from they're childrens lives. Then they pump kids full of mood altering drugs to correct problems that would never arose if it weren't for poor parenting.
I'll shut up now, otherwise I'll start ranting about even more stuff.