So I went into #stile today and didn't get kicked. Stile wasn't there, of course.
It's interesting. About once a year I get the urge to go in there, someone says "Holy shit, Katneko, I remember you, you have some BIG ass titties", and then I leave. I guess I've got some tits you won't EVER forget, son!
I woke up craving Canadian cigs. Sunny bummed me some Canadian cigs (I don't even know what the fuck they were called) when I was in Las Vegas, and they are WAY better than American cigs. At least, I liked them a lot better. Sunny, if you're reading this, send me some Canadian cigs for Christmas, man, I'm fucking dying here. Why the fuck I remembered the taste of them TODAY is beyond me. But these Camel 99's are not hitting the spot.
I know, I'm supposed to be quitting. How about I do that shit on New Years?
I've got a lot of studying and cleaning to do. I've got so much to do, that I'm bogged down and don't know where to start. You ever get like that, where you have so much shit to do that all you can really do is make a list and stare at it, because you just can't prioritize your shit? That's about where I'm at. I filled my PDA with 14 HUGE things to get done in the next few days, and with work commitments, I just don't have much time to do all of them. So I don't know where to start. I mean, I was fucking off in #stile, thats how clueless I am in regards to where to start.
I wanted to go to Immora's place and maybe study there, but nooooo, she doesn't have finals going on right now. Since the tasks I need to complete are study-related and cleaning / decorating my place for Christmas company, (and priority-wise, studying NEEDS to happen first seeing as my shit is due on Tuesday), I can't study at my place until it's clean. The mess is too distracting. So the way I work is, if I'm distracted, I do everything BUT what I'm supposed to be doing.
I'm also having a few relationship problems with Brad. I don't know what it is, I feel very uncomfortable around him lately. Like everything I do bothers the shit out of him. And I'm also feeling very "get the fuck out of my house", except it's NOT my house, it's OUR house. I think this apartment might be too big, or maybe I've gotton very accustomed to him working 2.5 jobs hence I'm accustomed to him being gone all the time. I have no way of explaining this. Don't get me wrong, I care about him, but he's just too quiet, and too THERE while being too quiet, and I don't get quite a few smiles from him these days, so I feel like I'm always the one doing something wrong, when I'm not doing SHIT.
Except maybe slacking off, I am doing quite a bit of that. But again, I explained that -- I'm so distracted with how much shit is on my plate, that all I can do is stare at it.
What I need, is a goddamn vacation. A real one. Where I get the fuck outta here for a week or two. Maybe I'll appreciate his being around me more that way. So maybe when finals are over, and my relatives are back outta town, I'll get the fuck outta dodge, who knows.
If you wanted to get me something for Christmas, I think today might be your last chance to do so in time for Christmas. I could be wrong about that. Hit it up if you felt like it.'s not important if you don't hit it up.
And as you may or may not know, Brad got robbed in October. Same week he got ran off the road by a Landrover. He had his entire thing of tools stolen, 7 crates of ammunition (we are armed to the teeth, motherfuckers), a scanner, and some other misc shit. It was all his shit, my shit didn't get stolen and if something of mine did, it was unimportant anyways. The ammunition was a low blow, but even lower was his tools. He's been collecting them since he was 12, and he had like $2000 worth of tools in there (I'm not shitting someone has that many tools, I do not know, but he claims he used them all). He's the type who goes out and fixes other peoples cars and plumbing and doors and whatever-the-fuck, so it was pretty sick that his shit got stolen. Anyways, he's been trying to catalogue the shit he's missing on this wishlist, and we didn't give out the URL to anybody because he's not about to get on his livejournal and beg for shit. However, yesterday something came in the mail for him, some random tool from that wishlist. Sooo, fuckit! If you want to help replace his tools, feel free. I told my mother to forgo my gifts and concentrate on tools this year, so she went to Sears and ordered shit for him to pick up at our local Sears (she says she doesn't have to ship shit that way). So yeah, if you would like to do that, I'm sure Brad would really appreciate that.
His list is, by no stretch of the immagination, not THE full list, but he says that would get him back on his feet.
I should really get the fuck off the internet and study. Pfft.
It's interesting. About once a year I get the urge to go in there, someone says "Holy shit, Katneko, I remember you, you have some BIG ass titties", and then I leave. I guess I've got some tits you won't EVER forget, son!
I woke up craving Canadian cigs. Sunny bummed me some Canadian cigs (I don't even know what the fuck they were called) when I was in Las Vegas, and they are WAY better than American cigs. At least, I liked them a lot better. Sunny, if you're reading this, send me some Canadian cigs for Christmas, man, I'm fucking dying here. Why the fuck I remembered the taste of them TODAY is beyond me. But these Camel 99's are not hitting the spot.
I know, I'm supposed to be quitting. How about I do that shit on New Years?
I've got a lot of studying and cleaning to do. I've got so much to do, that I'm bogged down and don't know where to start. You ever get like that, where you have so much shit to do that all you can really do is make a list and stare at it, because you just can't prioritize your shit? That's about where I'm at. I filled my PDA with 14 HUGE things to get done in the next few days, and with work commitments, I just don't have much time to do all of them. So I don't know where to start. I mean, I was fucking off in #stile, thats how clueless I am in regards to where to start.
I wanted to go to Immora's place and maybe study there, but nooooo, she doesn't have finals going on right now. Since the tasks I need to complete are study-related and cleaning / decorating my place for Christmas company, (and priority-wise, studying NEEDS to happen first seeing as my shit is due on Tuesday), I can't study at my place until it's clean. The mess is too distracting. So the way I work is, if I'm distracted, I do everything BUT what I'm supposed to be doing.
I'm also having a few relationship problems with Brad. I don't know what it is, I feel very uncomfortable around him lately. Like everything I do bothers the shit out of him. And I'm also feeling very "get the fuck out of my house", except it's NOT my house, it's OUR house. I think this apartment might be too big, or maybe I've gotton very accustomed to him working 2.5 jobs hence I'm accustomed to him being gone all the time. I have no way of explaining this. Don't get me wrong, I care about him, but he's just too quiet, and too THERE while being too quiet, and I don't get quite a few smiles from him these days, so I feel like I'm always the one doing something wrong, when I'm not doing SHIT.
Except maybe slacking off, I am doing quite a bit of that. But again, I explained that -- I'm so distracted with how much shit is on my plate, that all I can do is stare at it.
What I need, is a goddamn vacation. A real one. Where I get the fuck outta here for a week or two. Maybe I'll appreciate his being around me more that way. So maybe when finals are over, and my relatives are back outta town, I'll get the fuck outta dodge, who knows.
If you wanted to get me something for Christmas, I think today might be your last chance to do so in time for Christmas. I could be wrong about that. Hit it up if you felt like it.'s not important if you don't hit it up.
And as you may or may not know, Brad got robbed in October. Same week he got ran off the road by a Landrover. He had his entire thing of tools stolen, 7 crates of ammunition (we are armed to the teeth, motherfuckers), a scanner, and some other misc shit. It was all his shit, my shit didn't get stolen and if something of mine did, it was unimportant anyways. The ammunition was a low blow, but even lower was his tools. He's been collecting them since he was 12, and he had like $2000 worth of tools in there (I'm not shitting someone has that many tools, I do not know, but he claims he used them all). He's the type who goes out and fixes other peoples cars and plumbing and doors and whatever-the-fuck, so it was pretty sick that his shit got stolen. Anyways, he's been trying to catalogue the shit he's missing on this wishlist, and we didn't give out the URL to anybody because he's not about to get on his livejournal and beg for shit. However, yesterday something came in the mail for him, some random tool from that wishlist. Sooo, fuckit! If you want to help replace his tools, feel free. I told my mother to forgo my gifts and concentrate on tools this year, so she went to Sears and ordered shit for him to pick up at our local Sears (she says she doesn't have to ship shit that way). So yeah, if you would like to do that, I'm sure Brad would really appreciate that.

I should really get the fuck off the internet and study. Pfft.
Tell Immora Tim from McFarland 4n6 says hi next time you see her. I haven't seen her in a long time.
thank you!