I had to leave that on there!!! YAY!!
So I went on a shopping spree today.. and I actually bought stuff for myself! I'm so proud of me.. cause I hardly EVER do that! Even though I did back out of one item and return it..lol.. Anyway I bought some new jeans and pants.. which I was in need of! I bought a Steelers sweatshirt!!! YAY.. and these.. (even though I really didn't need them..hahaha)
and I'm half tempted to go buy the other steelers sweatshirt that was on the site! I probably will.. cause well I can at this point.. hahaha I need to stop though! What I really need to buy is t-shirts...causee I really don't have many of those
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Ok.. so I've been tagged on facebook sooo much.. however I'm not sure how to tag back on facebook.. I try to and get all confused and just stop.. so I thought I would do it on here instead! And I guess I'm to tell you 25 things about me that you may not know!
25 things you may not know about me.
1. My real name is Catherine.. with a C not a K..
2. My mom usually calls me Kaitlyn!
3. I have an eye phobia
4. I took speech classes from the 2nd grade till the 11th grade.. not speech classes as standing in front of people learning how to talk in front of a crowd..but hey you have a funny accent and you don't speak like a "real" Ohioian so I'm going to change you speech class.. I hated it
5. I started to read about the history of Piqua when I was in about the 3rd grade! I find it's history so neat and amazing.. I could be the next town historian!
6. It was at about that time that I also started to read anything and everything about mental illness, and wanting to finding out how the brain works, why people do the things they do..and noticing the mistreatment of those society don't consider "normal"
7. My grandmother is half Irish half German, her husband.. which would be my grandfather was full Irish.. so I have a HIGE temper..and get upset easily!
8. I LOVE M*A*S*H!!! It is one of my favorite shows EVER
9. My eyes change colors.. they sometimes look blue, others green.. ??
10. I LOVE Boston Terrier dogs.. and I think they are the best dogs EVER
11. My dad is a pastor
12. I was raised in a southern VERY conserative christrian home.. taught that I should wait until marriage to have sex, to wait on the one god wants you to be with, don't drink, nudity is wrong, same sex relationships are gross.. needless to say.. that didn't stick with me :tongue:
13. I was a Sunday School teacher from the age of 17 till 26.. I taught Toddlers, preschoolers, and the youth group! I no longer do that! Good thing too
14. I LOVE Phil Collins/Genesis.. and have EVER since I was a little girl!! I LOVE his voice!
15. If it weren't for my mom, dad, brother, nephew and one very awesome friend I would move to Flordia in a heart beat! As long as one of those 5 peoples are a live, and here in Ohio.. I will be too.. they are the ONLY ones holding me here!
16. I have a HUGE family.. I'm not going into detail though
17. I have never gotten a V-day gift in my life.. kinda makes me sad
18. I believe in soul mates! I believe that everyone has someone..but I believe it's our choice to accept them or not!
19. I love buying gifts and doing things for others..I love to please and help!
20. I hurt easy
21. I love the violin!
22. Before I became lazy and fat, I was in gymnastics.. and was actually good!! I competed locally and regionally and won many many times.. I hurt myself on both the bars and balance beam..and that was it.. that's one of my BIGGEST regrets.. just walking away!! Look at me now! WTF
23. I have pointy fingers! I can also play them..like an instrument
24. Andrew James is honestly one of the best things that has EVER happened to me! I love that little man more then life..and sometimes I'm scared that I won't love my own kids as much as i love that little guy
25. I have only grown 1 inch since the 4th grade! 1 inch!! I looked like a giant compared ot everyone else.. until about the 7th grade when I went from being one of the tallest kids in the class..to one of the shortest!!! lol
Wow..that was actually kind of hard! lol.. Please no one tag me anymore! hahaha
So I went with the other Steelers hoodie instead of the shirts! hahaha I can get my shirts from Wal*Mart like I always do!! duh!
So I weighed myself today..NOTHING.. but I also didn't gain!!! So that is good! Oh..and the snow is suppose to melt this weekend..well some of it at least!! YAY.. but it's a bummer I have to work days this weekend..(boo who who) I have to work 8-2 on Sat. and 7-2 on Sun.. I like my overnights.. ghosts and all!
Today was..no yesterday was groundhogs day.. and he saw his shadow..which means 6 more weeks till of winter.. of course if he hadn't of seen his shadow it would have been 6 weeks until spring.. either way.. PEOPLE SPRING IS ONLY 6 WEEKS AWAY!!!! YAY!!! That is a good thing!
No more snow!! No more cold!!! Green grass, and trees, and little birdies singing to me in the morning!! And squirls and skunks following me around as I sing merrily and whistle to them.. no wait.that's Snow White.. sorry.. got carried away!!
I hate being bored.. when I'm bored I want to eat! And I'm feeling really talkative and I want to talk someones arm and leg off!! So not me! lol..
OK.. I'm going!