So I just typed out a journal.. and some how deleted it.. which sucks big major hog balls! That so sucks!! Maybe I'll be random now.. just state a buch of things..
I learned how to start an IV today! It's a lot harder then it looks
I also learned how to give some injections..that was easy!
I don't like my classmates.. I figure if I don't like them by now..I'm not going to like them at all!
Fake blood went all over the place today.. it was funny as hell to watch those girls squirm..and think it was "oh so gross" give me break!
They talk behind each others reminds me of high school!
BTW..I hate it when someone is nice to my face..but talks about me like a dog behind my back.. fake people..SUCK
I think my eye is going to be bloodshot forever
For some reason..I only do hair and make-up when I have no place to go!
I had a really good hair day
my journal can't be complete without Buster
I go tomorrow to get my tattoo touched up..'s only taken 3 weeks![ to get an appointment/LISTITEM]
[LISTITEM]I'm going alone.. I don't wanna go alone.. but I don't think I have a choice.. either people have to work.. or just don't wanna go How said is that?
I wish I would win the lottery
I so wanna get a massage!.. My back could use it
I'm done..bye
[LISTITEM]I'm going alone.. I don't wanna go alone.. but I don't think I have a choice.. either people have to work.. or just don't wanna go How said is that?
I would have gone with you if I were there!!!! I would have also given you a massage and wouldnt have charged you a dime! LOL!! I know how you feel about losing the journal I was pissed I lost mine twice cause I hit the wrong button! THings here are still all over the place so I dont really know what to report! I miss you like crazy! Love you girl! Love-Ireland
you didnt go alone, cause i rule! now you have to go grocery shopping with me this weekend, cause you know how much i hate going alone! and massages in just a few weeks, i cant wait!