Ok.. so I've decided that if I ever have kids.. and they are girls.. I've giving them away when they are 13..and they can't return until they are 18 or 20..and can have some sort of reason about them.. I honestly can't believe I was EVER a teenager?? Really.. I know I was a total ass too..and that everthing I did will come back to me 3 fold.. that I'm praying.. DEAR GOD: PLEASE SEND ME ALL BOYS!!
There is no way I thought I knew it all thoug.. oh..wait.. I still think I know it all..dang it..lol.. no but really you know who.. I won't name names.. but I'm sure everyone who knows me knows who I'm talking about (she's about 16, thinks she's 25, acts 10 sometimes?? Yeah her) she is driving me CRAZY!!! I don't know.. all I really want her to do is respect herself..and not settle just to fit in.. she let some boy choke her until she passed out.. becaues he said it would be fun! Yeah.. for him.. but god that's just stupid! Does she not know she doesn't have to do that to fit in and be liked? When she told me about it today..she laughed like it was the coolest thing ever.. and I think I shocked her cause my reaction wasn't what she expected.. one part of me wanted to slap her upside her head.. while the other part wanted to hug her. I didn't laugh, or smile.. I just asked her why she feels she has to do that? She insists (of course) it's not to fit in though.. then there's this little boy named Cory.. ok..he's not little he's like 17 or 18 and the only time he EVER contacts her is when he isn't getting sex.. and wants it.. he calls on her to get it.. each time she says she isn't going to do it.. and he knows that.. but he feeds her these lies, and tells her he likes her..gets what he wants and runs never to talk to her again until he wants some sex and can't get in anywhere else.. I tried to explain this to her.. but she's 16..and she thinks "no it's different this time..he's not the same" that's the line she always uses! Finally after she check her messages on her cell phone the 3rd time in 30 mins. I told that she's 16 and she shouldn't be worring about guys, and having sex, she should enjoy being a kid and not do something stupid and end up with a kid.. or worse and STD.. that's when she said.. "there is no age limit on sex Katie" and I know that.. there is none.. so that's what I want to ask everyone who may read my journal.. do you think at 16 kids are ready to have sex?? Really? I did when I was 16..and I'll admit I wasn't ready for it then.. I'm not really sure if I'm ready for it now at 27.. at least not emotionally... I'm not ready! .. I think NO.. I think at 16 many are unware of STD's and how you get.. or even how there bodies work.. they can't support a baby if they pregant, they aren't emotionally ready.. many 30 somethings aren't emotionally ready.. I just don't think.. for their mental, and emotionl maturity..they aren't ready.. but that's me.. so I want everyone else opinions.. Thanks
There is no way I thought I knew it all thoug.. oh..wait.. I still think I know it all..dang it..lol.. no but really you know who.. I won't name names.. but I'm sure everyone who knows me knows who I'm talking about (she's about 16, thinks she's 25, acts 10 sometimes?? Yeah her) she is driving me CRAZY!!! I don't know.. all I really want her to do is respect herself..and not settle just to fit in.. she let some boy choke her until she passed out.. becaues he said it would be fun! Yeah.. for him.. but god that's just stupid! Does she not know she doesn't have to do that to fit in and be liked? When she told me about it today..she laughed like it was the coolest thing ever.. and I think I shocked her cause my reaction wasn't what she expected.. one part of me wanted to slap her upside her head.. while the other part wanted to hug her. I didn't laugh, or smile.. I just asked her why she feels she has to do that? She insists (of course) it's not to fit in though.. then there's this little boy named Cory.. ok..he's not little he's like 17 or 18 and the only time he EVER contacts her is when he isn't getting sex.. and wants it.. he calls on her to get it.. each time she says she isn't going to do it.. and he knows that.. but he feeds her these lies, and tells her he likes her..gets what he wants and runs never to talk to her again until he wants some sex and can't get in anywhere else.. I tried to explain this to her.. but she's 16..and she thinks "no it's different this time..he's not the same" that's the line she always uses! Finally after she check her messages on her cell phone the 3rd time in 30 mins. I told that she's 16 and she shouldn't be worring about guys, and having sex, she should enjoy being a kid and not do something stupid and end up with a kid.. or worse and STD.. that's when she said.. "there is no age limit on sex Katie" and I know that.. there is none.. so that's what I want to ask everyone who may read my journal.. do you think at 16 kids are ready to have sex?? Really? I did when I was 16..and I'll admit I wasn't ready for it then.. I'm not really sure if I'm ready for it now at 27.. at least not emotionally... I'm not ready! .. I think NO.. I think at 16 many are unware of STD's and how you get.. or even how there bodies work.. they can't support a baby if they pregant, they aren't emotionally ready.. many 30 somethings aren't emotionally ready.. I just don't think.. for their mental, and emotionl maturity..they aren't ready.. but that's me.. so I want everyone else opinions.. Thanks
i admitt i wasn't ready when i did it...and twas much earlier than 16....and i was very much so active from that point on...i woulda never dreamed of some crazy shit like that when i was 16...i admitt now that my choker chain has more than a decorative purpose at times...but not to the point of passin out....and yes, i'm a freak, well aware & happy about it
i wasssssssssssssss 21. so there.