Thanks for all your support, I was feeling better...then yesterday sucked. I realized the babysitter spends more time with my daughter than I do. Then I realized that sooner or later she's going to call the sitter Mommy and it's going to kill me. Was close to getting over that and almost mentally prepared for my work day, my Boss cut me some slack so that was good but I've been physically hurting and my pain meds make me fuzzy in my head which is not good at work. Then I get a call from my Mom that my Aunt is in the hospital and not doing well. I get my work done and leave around 10 am to go be with the family, around noon they turn the machine off, around 1 she died. She just checked in last night, none of us knew she was so bad off. My head hurts, my eyeballs hurt, my heart hurts. I hate all of this. I'm going to bed in the hopes that tomorrow will be a little less painful. I'm sure this post is all over the place but I just don't have the energy or the space in my head to try to fix it. Sorry the posts haven't been better lately but that's just how life has been treating me.

I am so sorry sweetie!!! *big giant hugs* My thoughts are with you and your family.