So, it's time for a new post. Not that I really have much to say. I would like to direct your attention to Dani's web page. Instead of doing a post there then trying to edit it and do the same post here you can just check it out directly at Danica Rose's Garden Aside from how fast she's growing she's learning a lot too. She's now standing all by herself, practically running if she has someone to hold on to, and she's realized if she's standing she can bend down, pick stuff up off the floor, and stand back up all without holding on to anything! She has 4 teeth now and will eat anything you put in front of her. And she says Mama all the time now, not only when she's upset like before. But for all the updates and lots of pics go to her site and leave me comments!
As for me personally...I'm tired. I'm back to not wanting to go to work. Hell, half the time I don't want to leave my house but it's a cycle and I'll come around. I wish we made enough money for me to stay home, but we don't so wishing isn't doing me much good.
Last week we bought a wii
then last night we bought Rock Band to go with it. This is way too much fun for me.
Last week Hubby signed us up for a very expensive weight loss program. I'm still not entirely happy about this because A) HE doesn't need to lose any weight and B) they still haven't told us what he paid for exactly. All we've been told is "it's a program". Sounds to me like a shady and very expensive weight watchers group but we'll see. I think the part that irritates me is that we pay for a YMCA membership, I've been wanting to get back to my Pilates, Zumba, and Spinning classes but he keeps scheduling his work to where I can't go to them, then he signs us up for something else. Why not just let me do my thing and be happy? Oh well, bitching doesn't do any good so I'll give this a try then do my best to force him to let me do my classes.
I hate the changes they've made to this site. I've almost given up on keeping up with things because it makes me nauseous to go to my sg. Why can't they just leave it all alone? I was hoping I would adjust, I haven't yet. Meh.
I just don't have time anymore. No time to play on here, hardly any time to look at and edit my Dani pics, much less organize them into a post. Really no time for the computer at all. I don't think it got turned on once this weekend, and it's not like we were doing anything really important or exciting, it was just family time and such. But I guess that's what it's all about, at least for me. Spending time with Hubby and Dani when I can.
Oh, I have a new hobby! It's called geocaching. In short people hide stuff and put the GPS coordinates online and you try to find it. If you take something from the container you put something in. If any of you are already signed up I'm AScarlettRose. A for Hubby's middle name, Scarlett is my middle name, Rose is Dani's.
It's lots of fun and it gets us outside as a family. Check it out.
I think that's all for now. I know this post has been really rambly but that's how my brain has been lately so deal with it
Love to you all,
As for me personally...I'm tired. I'm back to not wanting to go to work. Hell, half the time I don't want to leave my house but it's a cycle and I'll come around. I wish we made enough money for me to stay home, but we don't so wishing isn't doing me much good.
Last week we bought a wii

Last week Hubby signed us up for a very expensive weight loss program. I'm still not entirely happy about this because A) HE doesn't need to lose any weight and B) they still haven't told us what he paid for exactly. All we've been told is "it's a program". Sounds to me like a shady and very expensive weight watchers group but we'll see. I think the part that irritates me is that we pay for a YMCA membership, I've been wanting to get back to my Pilates, Zumba, and Spinning classes but he keeps scheduling his work to where I can't go to them, then he signs us up for something else. Why not just let me do my thing and be happy? Oh well, bitching doesn't do any good so I'll give this a try then do my best to force him to let me do my classes.
I hate the changes they've made to this site. I've almost given up on keeping up with things because it makes me nauseous to go to my sg. Why can't they just leave it all alone? I was hoping I would adjust, I haven't yet. Meh.
I just don't have time anymore. No time to play on here, hardly any time to look at and edit my Dani pics, much less organize them into a post. Really no time for the computer at all. I don't think it got turned on once this weekend, and it's not like we were doing anything really important or exciting, it was just family time and such. But I guess that's what it's all about, at least for me. Spending time with Hubby and Dani when I can.
Oh, I have a new hobby! It's called geocaching. In short people hide stuff and put the GPS coordinates online and you try to find it. If you take something from the container you put something in. If any of you are already signed up I'm AScarlettRose. A for Hubby's middle name, Scarlett is my middle name, Rose is Dani's.

I think that's all for now. I know this post has been really rambly but that's how my brain has been lately so deal with it

Love to you all,
I love the site. And don't worry about being a bad SG friend, I'm one of the worst offenders ever. I just check in with my groups and go.
I think I'm getting Rock Band for the kids for Christmas. They love the Wii and they all loved rock band when we played it at a friends house.